Every action has a reaction. Everybody throughout the world is going through the same thing – isolation. Some of us have become more isolated than others, while others who are more familiar with feeling disconnected are finding themselves less lonely.
During this coronavirus isolation period, I have observed three top characteristics shining through showing that communication in isolation is loud and clear – the languages of kindness, creativity and humour are shining through brightly.
For some people, such as the homebodies, life has not changed a great deal; however, for others who are more social beings, they are finding it more difficult because they thrive on social contact. All of these character traits help support all of us through these testing times.
Kindness is never wasted
The current COVID-19 pandemic seems to have set the reset button for humanity. The perception, over the past few years, was most people are far too dependent on their electronic devices and self-absorbed.
Ironically, while required by the government to isolate ourselves, people are more compassionate and empathic to those in need. Many older people residing in nursing homes do not usually get the attention they are getting at the moment. The aged are on the minds of many. A viral video of an older man upset at not being able to obtain essentials such as toilet paper and other basic needs has touched the hearts of thousands.
Vast amounts of people implore others not to stockpile so that everyone can get what they need, specifically the older generation. Major shopping centres have responded by setting specific opening hours for this generation who will be able to go in first after the restocking of shelves overnight. Hopefully, understanding and flexibility for the elderly and emergency services, are taken into consideration with the service.
Creativity is abounding
The solution to every problem, such as the above, takes a little thinking outside the square. People come up with solutions quickly and efficiently when needed. Everyone is creative in their way, and it does not take a pandemic to bring out your creativity.
I never considered myself creative because of what I couldn’t do. Once I began to think about what I could do, and have done, such as writing a book (about ‘big picture parenting’ what I wish I knew in the early stages of parenthood) I then realised I am a creative being. We all are, however, when you compare yourself to others, especially things that you admire in others that you feel you don’t possess, then you feel negatively towards yourself. Stop.
Appreciation is a friend of the creative characteristic. Appreciate the gifts within yourself and enjoy the gifts within others. When you understand other’s creativity without comparing yourself to theirs, you find joy – for instance, listening to comedians, watching a theatre show or coming up with the solution to any problem. Speaking of theatre shows – I appreciate Andrew Lloyd Webber’s generous offer of sharing of live theatre shows during this isolation period – check it out by clicking here. I am always amazed at the creativity of the story-telling, the songs, the costumes. Individual elements that come together to create a fantastic show.
Humour is fundamental
Theatre shows tell stories, and every story has heavy elements as well as periods where you are laughing your head off. Laughing is good for the soul, especially at certain times when situations are intense. It doesn’t mean circumstances are not taken seriously; it just means there is a funny side to it which eases the scene.
Every problem has a solution. Creative ideas find solutions – most of the time. There are times when there are no solutions as the issue remains the same due to the position being what it is – an example that comes to mind is the role of a medical receptionist. Only people in the medical profession may appreciate the humour in clips relating to that profession – like any profession – it what is familiar to you.
With COVID-19, one popular Facebook group that is popular is about taking the garbage bins out. Every household puts the garbage bin out, and dressing up to do this brings people joy and provides entertainment. Whatever the situation, a sense of humour lightens the load.
Kindness, creativity and humour
Do you see a connection between these three character traits? As always when you focus on one character trait, you find you are putting into action more than one. Showing kindness also displays the gifts of respect, acceptance and understanding go along for the trip. When you feel accepted for who you are, and you are treated with kindness, you think you can express yourself freely and creatively to those around you.
When you feel accepted for who you are by someone, this could be the start of a great friendship. You show more of yourself to that person; you share your creative side, plus your sense of humour.
Every one of these character traits is within you. Whether you are a child or an adult practising kindness does good. What goes around comes around so be kind – it’s a whole new world at the moment – let’s keep these behaviours well after the pandemic goes.
If you’d like to develop your self-awareness further head to www.ethicalfoundations.com.au and ‘Join The Tribe’ to receive a weekly newsletter about the ‘Character Of The Week’.
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