

I don’t think there has ever been another time in our recent history that our generation has ever been as concerned or aware of the health and well being of our family and friends than right now.

As we know news about the Coronavirus is changing at a rapid rate and in some cases by the hour. We don’t know when/it may or may not accelerate in the coming months as we start to head into winter and the cooler months.

With what is happening we may feel we don’t have a great deal of control of what’s going on at the moment.

One thing we do have control over is what we eat, the nutritional quality of the foods we consume and feeding our families and how well we are building our immune systems and continually strengthening it with the right foods. with the right foods.

It does start to feel like all of sudden we need to be experts about everything, our health, how and when we should altering our lifestyles, how to home educate our children how are in self-isolation.

In saying this, I am excited to speak with Stefanie Valakas APD, otherwise known as The Dietologist today.

Stafanie will be sharing 3 Tips for Covid-19 Nutrition.


For Stefanie’s full article please visit

