

1- Have a Disco- the Trolls movie soundtrack is high on repeat at our house! Turn off the lights, turn the music up, forget the housework and dance away with your little one. You’re never too little or too big to enjoy music together.

2- Brave it- We don’t get much rain in Brisbane in Winter- but plenty of other places do! Get your umbrella, your little one some cheapy gumboots and splash away in the puddles

3- Bake together- comfort food in winter is lovely! Bake some cookies, get them to chop up veggies for a soup…the recipe list is endless

4- If the walls are closing in on you- try the Local Library. For big kids, our city library has specific classes you can book into in school holidays but for little ones the storytime and music sessions run throughout the year. You can always just go for an hour and read and play

5- Google Toy Libraries. We don’t have any in Brisbane that I have been able to find, though there are some in Melbourne and they look awesome! The basic concept is the same as a library- hire some toys, return in the time frame and when you are done with them. This one is also a cost saver

6- Change things up at lunchtime and have an indoor picnic! Choose somewhere inside, make it exciting, bring some teddies along, make lunch/morning tea/afternoon tea and you’re on your way

7- Balloons. Never, ever underestimate the power and excitement between a child and some balloons. The fun lasts for a very long time!

8 – Rug up and go for a walk. This one can be a little tricky- especially if you have weather that changes rapidly (Melbourne, I’m talking about you!!) If you have a little one, the whole world is new to them, if you have an older child, make a short list of things you want to try and spot on the walk. It could range from simple things like a dog or a letterbox, right through to specific items: Can we find them number 50 anywhere

9- Water play. Who says bath time is for night time

10-  Snuggle on the couch and watch classic movies. Think Bambi, Dumbo, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid. If you have an older child home from school either unwell or on holidays, try The Goonies, E.T., The Sound of Music.



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