The end of the year can be very stressful especially with he festive season looming. 2021 has been a rollercoaster of a year. It is important to find ways to manage stress as well as recognise the signs of stress. Stress can affect us in so many different ways. Being stressed can impact the way we communicate, work and function in our everyday lives.
There are many different types of stress. Each type can have different affects on our bodies. Therefore its important to know what type of stress you are under and then find meaningful ways to help yourself feel better. Below are the main types of stress and some ways of dealing with it.
Acute stress
Acute stress is the most common form of stress . Acute stress deals with the pressures of the thought of something that could take place in the near future or dealing with the very recent past. This type of stress is often misinterpreted for being a negative thing While this is the case in some circumstances, it is also a good thing to have some acute stress in life. Running or any other form of exercise is considered an acute stressor. Some exciting or exhilarating experiences such as riding a roller coaster is an acute stress but is usually very enjoyable. Acute stress is a short term stress and as a result, does not have enough time to do the damage that long term stress causes. Best way of dealing with this type of stress is though mindfulness and mediation.
Chronic stress
This type of stress is unlike acute stress. As it can be a serious health issue over a long period of time. Chronic stress can lead to memory loss, damage spatial recognition and produce a decreased drive of eating. The severity varies from person to person and it can affect genders differently. Women are able to take longer duration. Research has shown that women have a higher tolerance of stress stress than men . Men can deal with shorter stress duration better than women can but once males hit a certain threshold, the chances of them developing mental issues increases drastically.
Stress in the workplace is a commonality throughout the world in every business. Managing that stress becomes vital in order to keep us working to our optimal capacity . Stress in the work place and have an affect on our relationship with co-workers and employers. For some workers, changing the work environment relieves work stress. Making the environment less competitive between employees decreases some amounts of stress. However, each person is different and some people like the pressure to perform better. Workplace stress is even more of an issue as we look at ways of living with Covid. Our work lives have changed dramatically.
There are many ways of dealing with stress. Sometimes you may need to talk to a trained professional to help you deal with everything. Below are some things you can try on your own. The main thing is that you do what is best for you and that you don’t control your stress by using drugs and alcohol.
What you can do
- Move your body frequently—don’t sit for more than an hour
- Make positive face-to-face connection with other people a priority
- When you can’t change the stressor, learn to avoid, alter, adapt, or accept
- Reduce your intake of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine
- Do something you enjoy every day
- Get all the restful sleep that you need to feel your best.
So the next time you are feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to try and identify what’s causing your stress and then take action to control it.