


Dreams have meaning and can hold symbolic and sometimes hidden cryptic messages for us.

As we’ve all experienced, some of our dreams can be explained, and others can’t.

Some of our dreams we can remember, others not so much. For the dreams, we can remember it can be challenging, and intriguing, to interpret their message and how it is relative to our life.

So, what are our dreams telling us? Well, that’s what we’re here to discuss today with our special guest Rose Inserra, author of the recently published book Inside Your Dreams: An Advanced Guide to Your Night Visions.

Drawing on her experience as an author and researcher, Rose has written over 60 children’s books and her books are published and marketed internationally.

Rose is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and appears on a regular basis as a columnist in print media and as a guest speaker on radio.

We ask Rose questions including:

  1. What are the most common dreams and why do we have these?
  2. At what phase of our sleep cycle do we dream in?
  3. I understand there are 5 main types of dreams: normal dreams, daydreams, lucid dreams, false awakening dreams and nightmares. Is it true that whether we remember our dreams or not, that most people dream every night during REM sleep?
  4. Why do we remember some dreams and others not?
  5. Why do some people remember their dreams and others forget?
  6. Are children’s dreams and nightmares similar in theme to many adult ones?
  7. Does pregnancy change our dreams? If so, how?
  8. How has COVID affected people’s dreams? Is there something such as ISO dreams or nightmares?
  9. How do we work through disturbing dreams?
  10. What are some of the tools to remember our dreams?
  11. What are your thoughts on dream dictionaries and how can they help interpret our dreams?
  12. What are the most common life themes that show up in our dreams and why do we have each one of them?

For Rose’s full article:

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