

Media brought to you by Curlimals


Somewhere in the woodland hidden by the trees a tiny, curled up creature sneezed a tiny sneeze… This timid little cutie was hiding in the wild waiting for the cuddles of a very special child! So, peek inside this package and whisper “How d’you do?” for a very special Curlimal is waiting here for you! Help your child develop curiosity and empathy – through nurturing imaginative play with Curlimals!

Uncurl the cuteness! Curlimals are interactive plush friends that react to you! There are two woodland themed characters in the range, Higgle the hedgehog and Bibi the bunny. Each Curlimal has their own personality, so listen out for their unique sounds… some might be a little bit cheeky! Higgle and Bibi will delight and enchant children from the second they meet! How delightful to hear them merrily giggling, singing, humming… or maybe even burping! They move, talk, and respond to touch for a completely interactive experience. Pat their heads and they giggle and curl up. Each comes with its own individual voice that makes comments that your child will love! Through the language used and the movements of each character, your child is encouraged to nuture and look after their new woodland friend. Designed for both boys and girls aged between 3-5 years, Curlimals are perfectly positioned to support your child in developing the fundamentals of empathy.

The Curlimals family are different from other interactive soft toys. They are designed in a way to encourage your child to carry out empathy-inducing behaviours, so even a child at the beginning of their development journey will be able to understand and engage in play that will encourage the development of this vital social-emotional skill.

How do Curlimals help to develop empathy? When playing with the characters, your child begins to learn how their interactions influence the experiences of others. When the woodland friends engage with your child, your child will learn about doing things for others. For example, Bibi or Higgle may ask for tickles and once given, the toy will show signs of appreciation and happiness as a direct result of your child’s actions. Looking after their new woodland friend encourages the development of nurturing behaviours which are readily associated with the development of empathy.

Another foundation of empathy is imaginative play and Curlimals deliver on this in a big way! Your child can take their woodland friend on a range of different adventures, whether that be at home or out in the garden. They can listen to the cues given to them and engage in play. For example, if their Curlimal curls up to go to sleep, they can make a pretend bed for them so they are comfortable. Again, these are all actions where they are considering the feelings of others and are understanding appropriate behaviours to go with each scenario.

Curlimals respond to touch with over 50 sounds and reactions. The two colourful characters have unique sounds and phrases reflecting their individual personality. Higgle the hedgehog and Bibi the bunny awakens from slumber once they receive a gentle stroke on their head. Initially a little shy, they respond with more attention and then uncurl, ready to play. Each character giggles, sneezes and talks, and may even sing or burp, until they tire and uniquely curl up into a sleepy ball and softly snore. 

As they awaken, they uncurl to greet you. Pat them on the head to hear super sweet sounds and phrases. Stroke their nose to hear them sneeze and tickle their tummy to hear giggles and laughter. When playtime is over, they curl up into a ball and as they fall asleep, you’ll hear snoring sounds. Kids love the sound and motion of these toys. They feature super-soft fur, make adorable sounds and have engaging features which encourages nurturing.

The COVID-19 pandemic was an inspiration of Curlimals as it has shown us how important nature is to our health and wellbeing. Another inspiration of Curlimals is that kids learn about nature and the environment at school and love interacting with animals. 

What kids love about Curlimals:

  • Instant excitement of bringing them to life!
  • Cuteness
  • Immediately wanted to care for them
  • Putting them to bed
  • Cheeky toilet humour

Parents will love:

  • Age appropriate – simple and easy to operate means children can play independently
  • Wholesome play pattern
  • Connection and interaction between child and toy
  • Change from standard cat and dog toys
  • Sounds are clear and not annoying

Curlimals focuses on fun, friendships and acceptance. Supported by a dedicated website – – which provides content and activities to introduce the characters and their woodland adventures, engages children with nature and wildlife, and further enhances the overall brand experience.

Each Curlimal is boxed making it giftable, and is sure to be a popular choice this Christmas! Get your hands on your own Curlimals furry friend now at a Big W store near you. Or contact Jasnor via to find a stockist in your area.