How to overcome fear to pursue your dreams

Tips from an award-winning Australian author Karen Turner discovered a passion for historical fiction after writing for the Financial Services industry for over twenty years. After entering a short story competition that she stumbled upon by chance, she was amazed… Continue Reading >


Offering a wide array of consultant services, Kitril provides direction, inspiration, and education to its clients. Whether it is receiving coaching, reading one of many published works, or attending a speaking engagement, you are guaranteed to receive actionable tips for your personal growth or the development/enhancement of your company.

Where have all the Christmas cards gone?

Where have all the Christmas cards gone? I mean seriously, I remember when I was young and we receive Christmas cards from my Aunts and Uncles with special greetings for Christmas and New Year. Sometimes we would be lucky enough… Continue Reading >

After school activities- Are your kids doing too many?

As a working parent and teacher, I understand the demands of my kids’ extra commitments and what it takes to not only pay for extra-curricular activities but also the logistics and time spent transporting and doing the activities. In contrast,… Continue Reading >

How to balance screen time with reading time

By Gemma Brown   According to a survey conducted by YouGov and Scholastic, 75% of parents with kids aged 6-17 agreed with the statement: “I wish my child would do more things that did not involve screen time.” The report… Continue Reading >

Communicating with confidence is the priority!

There are 1.2 million Australians with communication disability. Speech pathologists like Freeda Thong from Youthrive in Springfield work with these Australians to provide them with the confidence to communicate. “In Australia today, communication disability is largely invisible. Unseen and out-of-sight,”… Continue Reading >

Brain Gym for Stress Management

Brain Gym movements unite the brain, body and the senses improving overall brain function in areas such as concentration, memory recall, reading and writing, organisation skills, physical coordination and more.  When you can access more areas of the brain, and use… Continue Reading >

WHAT’S IN A NAME? (Exploring letters and sounds)

By Susan Spelic   Cuddling with our kids for a relaxing bedtime story is a beautiful routine. Regular reading and talking with our kids about our day (without distractions) develops oral language, vocabulary and feelings of security while building a… Continue Reading >