When is picky eating an issue?

By Sarah Smith of Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au Facebook Bayside Dietetics Instagram BaysideDietetics   According to the Chicago Tribune, President George W Bush famously declared “I do not like broccoli and I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid… Continue Reading >

Little changes parents can make to improve their children’s vegetable consumption

Children are not consuming enough vegetables. In fact, only 6% of children aged 2-17 years of age eat the recommended amount, according to a recent data from the Australian Health Surveys.  As a parent with two young kids, I understand… Continue Reading >

Want to set your child up for future gut health?

One of the single best things you can do for your child aged 2-5 years is educate, interact, taste and talk about all different kinds of vegetables and plant foods. The aim is to develop an interest and love of… Continue Reading >

The Formula to a Healthy Lunch Box every time!

School is back in session, which also means we are back to the daily (overwhelming) task of packing lunches. Do find packing lunches stressful? Does it fill you with dread? Well you are not alone; Parents around Australia are in… Continue Reading >

Lunchbox Ideas for Picky Eaters

By Melanie Bouras, Senior Dietician at Youthrive   Knowing what to put in your child’s lunchbox can often be one of the most daunting tasks. Particular when you have a child with restricted eating behaviours due to Autism, ADHD, anxiety… Continue Reading >

My child eats well at childcare, but won’t eat at home.

She eats everything at childcare and hardly anything at home. This makes me feel like a terrible mum, Hanna told me! I cook everything from scratch and it all goes to waste, then at childcare I hear she ate curry!… Continue Reading >

Keep the family snug during Winter with these heart-warming soup recipes

As winter well and truly takes over and we’re relegated indoors, there’s nothing more comforting than sitting down over a heart-warming family meal and soup is the regular go-to dish for the cool months. Whether you’re warming up during a… Continue Reading >

Vegetarian Recipes from Lifestyle

From the creamy delicious Cauliflower Vegetable Curry to the stacked vegetable lasagne, Lifestyle offers mouth-watering, easy-to-prepare and healthy, vegetarian recipes, and takes readers through the process of using good food to achieve wellness. Cauliflower Vegetable Curry Gluten/Dairy/Wheat Free Ingredients 1… Continue Reading >

Rhubarb the Versatile Vegetable

I love rhubarb and when I was little had it all the time. Not only was it a firm favourite at the dinner table, it was also grown in the backyards of family friends and ours as well. The flavour… Continue Reading >

High Energy Diet for Kids

By Sarah Smith, Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au Twitter #BaysideDietetic FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics   As a new dietitian, I remember talking to a family about a high energy diet for their child. Actually, I don’t, but I do remember what… Continue Reading >