7 Study Tips Your Child Can Use When They Get Older

Your child is getting older and will soon be expected to perform well in school. Excellent study habits are crucial for academic success. As a parent, you can help your child develop great study habits that will serve them well… Continue Reading >

How To Develop Motivation To Learn In Children

Tips from a teacher and parent. Every parent has their own life lessons they want to teach their children. For some, it is about taking responsibility for their decisions. For others – it’s about building resilience to achieve their dreams…. Continue Reading >

Education in Yearly Years: Setting Foundations for Future Learning

By Julie Medeiros   If you are a new parent, one of many questions you may have is about preparing your little one for school. In this article, we’ll explore which skills kids learn at school from prep to year… Continue Reading >

Top tips for Managing Allergies in the Early Years

Too tired for Allergies! Life with little people is tough, stress levels can be high and there is never enough time. Bring in some health or behavioural issues and now they are saying the dreaded “allergy” word and wanting you… Continue Reading >

How Can Children Enjoy the Holidays While Keeping School in Mind

With holidays around the corner teachers everywhere are excited to breathe, relax and take a break. Reports are written, half of the year is gone and the second half is already planned out. It’s an exciting time. Holidays mean family… Continue Reading >

Nature’s Positive Impact on ADHD Symptoms

ADHD was originally described to me as a shortage of dopamine in the brain. Followed by the best thing kids with ADHD can do is ride their bikes to school. As an endurance enthusiast and late diagnosed ADHD adult, I… Continue Reading >

Is my child the bully in school?

Is my child the bully? Dealing with bullying is an unfortunate fact of life for many children, and it can be equally distressing for parents. As the latest instalment in our Real Conversations series, we will tackle how to identify… Continue Reading >

How Early Learning Centres prepare children for school

Early years education plays a pivotal role in readying children for primary school. In the first seven years of a child’s life their brain lays the foundations for how they question, communicate, and interact with the world around them. This… Continue Reading >

Engaging Children in Plastic-Free Education

Plastic Free July inspires people to be part of the solution to reducing plastic pollution. This annual event is a great opportunity to engage young children in exploring the topic and join with their community to create momentum and tackle… Continue Reading >

5 Ways to Pack Extra Nutrients into Your Child’s Lunchbox

Kids spend a lot of time at school, so lunchboxes make up an important part of their overall diet and can be a great opportunity to get some extra nutrients into their day. A healthy balanced lunch not only gives… Continue Reading >