Resolving Conflict During the Festive Season

There is undeniable social pressure for us to get along with family at the holidays, and it can feel like we have “failed” if our familial gatherings aren’t totally harmonious or fun. But the ideal of the happy family is… Continue Reading >

How To Resolve Conflict During The Festive Season

The festive season seems to be one of those times of year where family conflict has the potential to intensify quicker than usual. There’s gift-giving to plan, food to prepare, shopping to do, presents to wrap, cards to send, and… Continue Reading >

How to Resolve Conflict During the Festive Season

The festive season is just around the corner and it is a wonderful time of the year. You are surrounded by family, there is a scrumptious meal on the table, wine in your hands and cheerful conversation. It is a… Continue Reading >

How To Resolve Conflict This Holiday Season!

It has been shown that 75% of us will come in contact with someone who will cause conflict during the holiday season. This can be a family member, a coworker, or even a stranger. The holiday season can heighten tension… Continue Reading >

Resolving Conflict Around The Festive Season

The festive season is marketed as a time of joy, family, light heartedness, gratitude and love, yet for many it is a season of expectations, angst and potential suffering. There is no way to get around it; spending more –… Continue Reading >

Resolving Conflict During The Festive Season

Resolving conflict during the festive season takes one word CIVILITY. Civility is simply a formal politeness showing up as courtesy in one’s behavior and speech. Minding our manners and manage our speech breeds respect not conflict. Part of what makes… Continue Reading >

Resolving Stress During COVID-19

As a parent, you want to do everything you can for your family to protect them and yourself against the risk of Coronavirus. In this challenging time, it can be stressful when your regular routine is thrown out of sync,… Continue Reading >