Navigating the Night: Unveiling the Realistic Expectations of Newborn Sleep

Bringing a newborn into the world is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges—especially in the realm of sleep. As a seasoned sleep consultant and mother of two boys, I understand the… Continue Reading >

Here is what you don’t know about AI that could harm you and your children

Do you like sci-fi? I love it. Since I was a young girl, sci-fi has captured my imagination. I couldn’t get enough of it. I loved reading Isaac Asimov’s books and wouldn’t miss a Star Trek episode. I loved watching… Continue Reading >

Banning Secrets – A News Years Resolution

For many of us, sharing a secret with a friend or family member was a normal part of our childhood. The idea of being entrusted with a secret would conjure up feelings of delight as you furtively promised ‘never to… Continue Reading >

Eczema: Expectations versus reality

I was handed another prescription and told to use the creams. But not for longer than half of the time, otherwise that was no good. And the creams were magical! Yes they worked….but only while we were using them. It… Continue Reading >

Crazy Normal Newborn Behaviours

For most of us, the arrival of our first child is usually the first Labour we’ve ever been privy to, which is rather an intense first introduction to the experience of Childbirth! Often too, our newborn is the first neonate… Continue Reading >

The 10 Step Guide to Empowering & Protecting Your Kids

  Understand the reality of abuse Before you begin to empower and protect your children, it is important that you understand the reality of childhood sexual abuse. The key points to understand are: Childhood sexual abuse cuts across all demographics… Continue Reading >

Parenting – starts with communication 

Parenting is often formed by what we were shown in our childhood, how we were parented. Sometimes this changes dependent on the consciousness of that person to either stay in that paradigm or to completely change the course. Either way,… Continue Reading >

Positive Special Needs Parenting – Is onboard!

  For a parent of a child with special needs, they see their experience as unique and challenging but not an unrewarding one. They make it their mission to find simple joys in this whole ugly mess we call life…. Continue Reading >

No Judgements Needed

I took my 2 boys to the beach yesterday about an hour away, and just wanted to move there as it was so tranquil… escape the reality of city life… ahhhh! Who else does this when they go somewhere nice?… Continue Reading >

BODY SAFETY – Empowering parents to educate their children about body safety and keeping safe.

It’s a topic rarely spoken about. A topic many of us parents don’t know how to approach, or what language to use. However, it’s also a topic we need to talk to our children about. Here’s why… Globally, around 1… Continue Reading >