Banning Secrets – A News Years Resolution

For many of us, sharing a secret with a friend or family member was a normal part of our childhood. The idea of being entrusted with a secret would conjure up feelings of delight as you furtively promised ‘never to… Continue Reading >

Sifting to find the truth about introducing solids

  Part 1 on Introducing Solids. Written by Sarah Smith from Bayside Dietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics   “That’s not how we did it”. Usually a catch-cry we attribute to our folks’ generation. But just the… Continue Reading >

Debunking the Most Common Misconceptions About Childhood Sexual Abuse

by Michelle Derrig   Trigger warning: This article focuses on the topic of childhood sexual abuse which may be triggering for some readers.   Talking about childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is of course, a very overwhelming and unpleasant task. So,… Continue Reading >

Friend In Me

Have you ever felt like you have missed out on a fun night out or experienced your children feeling left out when the party invites get handed out at Kinder or school? I have discovered the perfect event so that… Continue Reading >

Unique Gift Ideas for an Expectant or New Mum

Written by Alice Zsembery   Have you got a friend that is expecting or recently had a baby? Lost for a gift idea? The chances are that they have already stocked up on the essentials and are probably drowning in… Continue Reading >

Save your sanity when you’re too busy for ‘me-time’

Oh boy. When I put my hand up recently to volunteer at my son’s school, I didn’t quite realise what I was getting into. Don’t get me wrong, the community is terrific and I love being part of something bigger…. Continue Reading >

Why I struggle to be a good friend

I used to be a great friend, well I think I was.   Then Anxiety and depression reared its ugly head, I felt like it was downhill from there. My friendships changed when I had my kids, I couldn’t drop… Continue Reading >