Child supervision warning after five toddler drownings in two months

Water safety authorities including Life Saving Victoria (LSV) and Kidsafe Victoria are calling for active supervision of children at pools, beaches and inland waterways following five toddler drowning deaths in Victoria in two months. Most recently, a two-year-old drowned after falling off a pier… Continue Reading >

6 Ways To Encourage Your Child’s Imaginative Play

Media kindly brought to you by Pink Poppy   It’s been said that “logic will get you from A to B, while imagination will take you everywhere”. Children’s irrepressible passion for play may be the purest example of how imagination… Continue Reading >

Being An Awesome Entrepreneur Is Good For Your Kids

Over 30 percent of small businesses are run by women. Women from all walks of life, experiences and family types. This number grows every year as women grab hold of the reins of their financial futures and get to solving… Continue Reading >

A Woman’s Influence

Enabling equality Recently it was International Women’s Day, and the theme was ‘An Equal World in an Enabled World’ #EachForEqual. There is much to celebrate, yet there is much we can bring to bear. The majority of women are mums,… Continue Reading >

Unexpected Outcomes

Renee Adair   Pregnancy and birth offer us a new beginning, new hopes and dreams. As awaiting parents, we carry those hopes and dreams in our hearts and minds. Unfortunately, those hopes and dreams can be shattered by unexpected outcomes… Continue Reading >

Love, simply is ‘The Quality of Attention We Give to Others’

I was asked to write an article for the Back to School edition as an ‘expert’ in my field. I did have a cackle at this as I am the furthest thing from an ‘expert’, in any field (except maybe… Continue Reading >

Tips to Improve your Confidence

People are different – We are all individuals, with different personalities, different experiences, different lives and……different bodies. Surprise!? That may not be a surprise to you…….but for many people, being confident can be a big challenge and can impact significantly… Continue Reading >

Five Party Games that every Guest will Love

People often place high expectations on themselves when it comes to hosting birthday parties. It’s often all about the venue, decorations, cake and food but I have always found that key to a successful party is a steady flow of… Continue Reading >

My experience with PND 

Post Natal Depression We have all been given the screening test during and after pregnancy. We have all at least heard briefly of or about it but it’s something that needs to be talked about more openly before, during and… Continue Reading >

Love (still) Makes A Family Report

Rainbow Families has launched a report into discrimination faced by LGBTIQ+ parented families when access Australian Government Services. This report is a follow-up to the 2017 Rainbow Families NSW report Love makes a family: A report into discrimination faced by… Continue Reading >