When your intuition works in the real world…

When I talk to other parents about listening to your gut, trusting the vibe or energy, then see it first hand in my own life; reiterates why it is that I wish for every parent to believe and trust their… Continue Reading >


If I could meet myself as I was 2 years ago and, just starting out on the single mum journey I would have said to myself  ‘where your energy goes is where your attention flows”.  Obviously, hindsight doesn’t really help… Continue Reading >


(Simple Ways to Build Your Muscular Endurance)   Turn your back for five minutes and they’re off! You’re a parent now…. so never mind the Joneses, it’s the kids you need to keep up with, and if you want to… Continue Reading >

10 Healthy Snack Ideas for your Pregnancy

If you didn’t put too much thought into your food choices before you fell pregnant, you might be feeling a little lost when it comes to your pregnancy diet. If you were a healthy weight before you fell pregnant, you… Continue Reading >

Managing Empathy Overload: Strategies for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

What is Empathy? “Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff. “But for empaths, it goes much further. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own… Continue Reading >

Self-care is a foundation of strength as a parent

I believe that we should take care of ourselves as well as others. I don’t think taking care of others, including our kids, all the time and putting our needs and wants last is a sustainable way to live as… Continue Reading >

High Energy Diet for Kids

By Sarah Smith, Bayside Dietetics www.baysidedietetics.com.au Twitter #BaysideDietetic FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics   As a new dietitian, I remember talking to a family about a high energy diet for their child. Actually, I don’t, but I do remember what… Continue Reading >

Kid’s Birthday Ideas to Inspire Your Child’s Next Party

As soon as you organise one birthday party, it feels like next years is only around the corner. Kids grow up quickly. Each year, birthday parties present a new challenge for parents. Do you have it at home? Inside or… Continue Reading >

What the Heck is ‘Fitness’ Anyway?

If I were to ask you “what is ‘fitness’”, how would you respond? In your mind, is it the ability to sprint 100m in 10 seconds or the capacity to run a marathon? Maybe it’s just chasing after your kids… Continue Reading >

Learning to listen to our babies. One experience that led me to truly understand the world from the baby’s viewpoint.

I have always loved babies, even when I was 10 years old I remember staying with friends and instantly mothering their 8-month-old baby. At any chance I got I would be the one to pick up or hold the baby…. Continue Reading >