When two parents decide to no longer be together, it is a decision that may have been long expected or it could come as a complete surprise. Every child’s reaction and response to their parents breaking-up will be unique and… Continue Reading >
Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult things for you and your children to experience. Here are some tips to help get you through to the other side. Do not involve the children in your… Continue Reading >
Rachael Scharrer created Divorce Answered to help people separate with greater ease and efficiency than she did. With free and affordable resources, you can separate with clarity, confidence and a sense of empowerment. When armed with the right information and resources, you can drive your di-vorce and increase the likelihood of an efficient and cost-effective resolution.
Talking to kids about the hard stuff can be, well, really hard. As a parent it is our job to guide our children through life, and topics such as death, divorce and sex will inevitably come up and can be… Continue Reading >
The Australian Dream or Great Australian Dream is a belief that in Australia, home-ownership can lead to a better life and is an expression of success and security. Despite the fact, the real estate market has cooled, and prices have… Continue Reading >
By Jodie Myintoo Jodie Myintoo, a counsellor based in Melbourne, shares her experience officially adopting her adult daughter in the County Court. I had the privilege of adopting my step-daughter, Monique. She is turning 23 this year. Some might… Continue Reading >
My name is Jodie Myintoo and I am a counsellor, I completed my Diploma in Counselling with a Government Accredited school called the Australian Institute of Professional Counselling. Like all reputable counsellors, I have a supervisor, she has been a… Continue Reading >
Divorce. I’ve been there, I’ve done it. I’ve come out the other end. This makes me all-knowing and wise. Well, I like to think so anyway! Divorce is understandably associated with negativity and is certainly not a bucket list item…. Continue Reading >
Nobody ever says divorce or separation is easy. Nooo sireee. As all-consuming as it is for adults, for children it is hard in many different ways. That’s why it’s important to help them through in every way we can. And… Continue Reading >
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