Difficult Times – How We Can Best Teach Our Kids at Home

Susan Spelic (Teacher and Author)   It’s a tough time around the Globe. Let’s all take a big deep breath and think about what is important. As a mum I think mental health at this stressful is the most important… Continue Reading >

Best Pancake Recipes

The annual pancake-munching day is here, but do you know why we have Pancake Tuesday?? Well, it’s the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, is traditionally a… Continue Reading >

Benefits of Children Learning to Cook

Teaching children how to cook is a great way of developing skills they can apply throughout their life without the help of their elders. Cooking is one way to teach children math and reading. By following instructions from recipes, they… Continue Reading >

Winter School Holiday Activities

By Katrina Springer, The Organised Housewife   Now with school holidays right around the corner, parents will no doubt be scrambling to think of some new and creative activities to keep the kids occupied. I believe it is actually the… Continue Reading >

Keep calm and cook cleverly

Who would have thought we would ever reach a point in our history where we would be fighting over toilet roll and tinned spaghetti? Watching the Prime Minister’s press conference felt like a visit to the Principal’s office – ‘stop… Continue Reading >

Coconut & Lemon Shortbread Stars

With the festive season just around the corner, it’s time to get ready for all things Christmas! The tree is up, the presents are out, and the tinsel is sparkling, but what about the kitchen? Not to worry because McKenzie’s… Continue Reading >

Put your own oxygen mask on first

If you have been on a plane recently then you will have heard the airline safety message, “fit your own oxygen mask first before helping others, including children”. Does this sound a bit crazy…….. cruel….. unrealistic….. or down-right sensible?  … Continue Reading >

5 Ways to Connect with Your Child Today

This month it is time to focus on connections. Before the crazy of Christmas descends. ‘Cause us mums are busy, busy, busy little bees. Focused on the tasks that keep the family running, the kids fed, the house semi-clean. But… Continue Reading >

Tips to use technology to Cook like an Expert

  Aussies can turn to their mobile at every phase of their cooking journey: from deciding what to cook to improving their knife skills or discovering the best method to prepare a meal – all of this can be easily… Continue Reading >