Sally Gillespie For many, becoming a parent can arouse powerful emotions about the future that lies ahead for their child in a rapidly heating world. Yet very often this deep concern is not what gets discussed in mother’s group… Continue Reading >
We are in a time of ecological crisis. Floods, megafires and heatwaves are daily news. The latest State of the Environment Report for Australia shows that at least 19 ecosystems are in collapse or near collapse and that Australia has… Continue Reading >
by Dr Sally Gillespie In a democracy, voting always matters. But the upcoming Australian Federal election has a special urgency as the window for effective climate action is now very narrow indeed. The climate wake up calls are coming… Continue Reading >
Sally Gillespie, PhD When researchers recently surveyed 10,000 young people between the ages of 16-25 years from ten countries, they were not surprised to hear how anxious the majority of them felt about climate change. Their findings add to… Continue Reading >
The latest IPCC Report: Protecting your family from climate disruption. Chances are you might not have had time to catch up with the latest IPCC report, especially if you are also contending with lockdowns. This report is issued every… Continue Reading >
As ice melt increases and bush fires rage, it is more vital than ever that we talk about the looming global climate crisis. We cannot act unless we talk and we cannot talk unless we learn to recognise and acknowledge… Continue Reading >
Media kindly brought to you by Purebaby You may be wondering how kids swimwear ties into our changing climate and the state of the environment, and we’re glad you asked! First, let’s backtrack a little, to reflect on how… Continue Reading >
Sally Gillespie Research shows that children and young people are anxious about climate issues, and for good reason. They are the generation who will be living with the consequences of a climate altered planet. While it is understandable that… Continue Reading >
As Winter transitions to Spring, just like we adjust our wardrobes, to adapt to the change in temperature, our skincare routine also needs a revamp as the climate changes. When the warmer weather approaches, swap out heavy oil based products… Continue Reading >
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