How to prepare for labour and birth

Renee Adair   We prepare ourselves for so many of life’s big transitions. Take your wedding day for example.  You seek out advice and information, you research and ask questions, you explore all of your options and most of us… Continue Reading >

Screening at Birth

Without doubt, voluntarily allowing your wee bundle to be manhandled by someone else for medical examinations is a Big Ask for some mums … especially if Bubs is crying, which they typically seem to. “Whoa!” you can find yourself muttering… Continue Reading >

Help a premature or sick newborn this Miracle Month of May

During the Miracle Month of May, Miracle Babies Foundation is calling on Australians to help families challenged by prematurity or sickness. The birth of any child is a miracle, but for parents of the 48,000 babies born premature or sick… Continue Reading >

Protecting our children in a digital world

In today’s digital world, most people don’t think twice about documenting our children’s milestones on social media. From birth and right through school, parents are sharing every aspect of their family life with family and friends. And it’s not just… Continue Reading >

A Day in the Life of a Doula

Renee Adair   Let me start by saying that just about every doula pitches a variety of contrasting services according to their training, other modalities they specialise in and their personal situation. So what I do in a day will… Continue Reading >

How to stop twins and multiples biting each other!

Before I start, let me preface this with it’s not just twins and multiples that bite!!  It’s a stage that a lot of toddlers seem to go through.  But for a lot of multiple birth parents, it’s extremely frustrating when… Continue Reading >

Feeding a Child is full of challenges: Get the Support that is Right for You

I remember that first month of breastfeeding my first baby as being incredibly challenging both emotionally and physically. No-one had warned me about this. As much as prenatal classes are interesting, supportive and prepare you for birth, once the baby is born, there… Continue Reading >

What is a Doula and what are the benefits of hiring one?

Traditionally, a Doula was a woman offering non-medical support and information to other women and their partners during birth and the postnatal period. ‘Doula‘ is a Greek word that came to mean “woman’s servant”. I believe that a Doula is a support and information bank… Continue Reading >

Step Up, Step Back: A Father-Cub Relationship

Written by: Dr Matthew Roberts Website: My Doctor’s Handwriting   As my son was invested into his Cub Scout Pack a few years ago, I found myself standing back a bit from the action. There he stood alongside his fellow rookies,… Continue Reading >

Paid Parental Leave – Myth v Fact

Just like one big game of broken telephone, the information that gets passed around about Paid Parental Leave (PPL) changes depending on who you speak to. Since there is so much to know it is understandable. I’ve made a list… Continue Reading >