5 ways for new parents to keep the intimacy alive in their relationship

This post is proudly brought to you by Little One’s Nappies Bringing a baby into the world (especially your first) is without a doubt, one of the biggest tests your relationship will ever endure. The way you approach intimacy early… Continue Reading >

How To Make STEM Exciting

Media kindly brought to you by Professor Plums Nerd: by definition, the oxford dictionary characterises this as someone who is ‘Unfashionable and socially inept or boringly studious.’ Undoubtedly this conception can be seen as being discourteous and disrespectful. What is… Continue Reading >

“OM” (Meditation for Stress Management)

Meditation allows you to live in the moment, to calm yourself, to regulate your breathing, to help visualise your successes and to help you focus your attention on the “good” in your life.   You can meditate anywhere at any time… Continue Reading >

Love, simply is ‘The Quality of Attention We Give to Others’

I was asked to write an article for the Back to School edition as an ‘expert’ in my field. I did have a cackle at this as I am the furthest thing from an ‘expert’, in any field (except maybe… Continue Reading >

Tips for positive parenting

Parenting is the most challenging job you will ever have. When it’s 6pm and your two daughters won’t stop fighting over the iPad while you are trying to make dinner. When your three year-old is (very loudly) letting you know… Continue Reading >

Enjoying the Cuddles

One piece of advice, a lot of new mums get is to ENJOY the baby stage, enjoy the cuddles. Because it doesn’t last forever and one day they don’t want to be cuddled anymore. It goes so fast enjoy it… Continue Reading >

Understanding Babies’ Cries – The Key to Successful Settling

How can knowing your baby’s cries help with sleep? These days virtually every parent will have heard of Dunstan Baby Language which teaches you the different sounds that babies can make when ‘crying’. This is their communication and it can… Continue Reading >

Flying with Food Allergies

Flying with food allergies is often the subject of media attention. And along with that, also the subject of a lot of confusion and anxiety for allergy families. I am going to share my top tips for flying with food… Continue Reading >


When children bite, it tends to shock adults more than any other negative behaviour, however biting is common among young children and understanding the reason for your child’s biting is the first step in being able to help to change… Continue Reading >

Surviving the Holidays with your Baby

The holiday period is a time filled with family gatherings, events and perhaps even a family holiday. We all usually spend time with a lot more people at a time than we normally do. For an adult or child, this… Continue Reading >