Family Allergy Education

To coincide with RU Okay Day let’s discuss something that is never spoken about – anxiety and the emotional health and wellbeing of families managing allergies. It’s not a medical team handling reactions and administering adrenaline, it’s families. But what… Continue Reading >

“When stress literally makes you sick” — 3 ways to positively manage Hyperstress Response

By Jas Rawlinson   As a mental health advocate and writing coach who specialises in assisting trauma survivors to tell their stories, self-care is a big part of my personal and professional life.  However, whilst we are all aware of… Continue Reading >

Treating Anger as a Symptom of Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can present itself in a variety of ways affecting our emotions, behaviours, our bodies and our minds (the way we think and the way we use our minds). Anger is quite often a result of high stress… Continue Reading >

The Role of Food in Sleep

Everyone needs sleep. There is no wonder why sleep deprivation is a torture technique. But for many parents, their kid’s sleep is a source of frustration and anxiety. There are so many reasons why kids don’t sleep well. And allergy… Continue Reading >

Body Image… What are you really teaching your children?

The sad reality is that children younger and younger are expressing concerns about body image. Negative body image can cause significant distress and low self-esteem. Research has indicated that children as young as 8 and 9 are vulnerable to negative… Continue Reading >

How cooking can help children with anxiety

By Chris Dickson, Youthrive Psychologist   Today, children are growing up in a whole new world. The boom in technology means that children are facing a lot of new difficulties that their parents never grew up with. Children are now… Continue Reading >

Flying with Food Allergies

Flying with food allergies is often the subject of media attention. And along with that, also the subject of a lot of confusion and anxiety for allergy families. I am going to share my top tips for flying with food… Continue Reading >

Is My Child Stressed?

Quite simply put, “Yes”.  Stress is something that we all face every single day.  It is not dangerous in itself and some stress can actually be quite helpful.  Good stress alerts us to real and certain dangers and directs us… Continue Reading >

I think my child has a mental health condition – what should I do?

By Haylea Hodges, Youthrive Psychologist   Do not panic! Mental health conditions are quite common and are present in around one in seven children aged 4-17 years. Some of the most common mental health conditions that children present with include… Continue Reading >

Why I struggle to be a good friend

I used to be a great friend, well I think I was.   Then Anxiety and depression reared its ugly head, I felt like it was downhill from there. My friendships changed when I had my kids, I couldn’t drop… Continue Reading >