As spring has arrived, so has hay fever season. Here is what you need to know: What is hayfever/allergic rhinitis? Allergic Rhinitis (commonly known as hayfever) is very common in both children, teenagers and adults in Australia Hayfever is an… Continue Reading >
Are you terrified of your child having a severe allergic reaction? Does it make you feel really emotional and has the thought of anaphylaxis kept you awake a night? For many parents this is how they feel about anaphylaxis and… Continue Reading >
Aussie Allergy Mum is all about supporting allergy families. This month I decided to ask the mums in our Facebook group to share there best advice for other allergy families that might be recently diagnosed or currently struggling. Below… Continue Reading >
If your baby could talk, he or she would definitely tell you that nappy rash is no fun. Nappy rash occurs around the backside – anywhere that’s usually covered in nappy. It’s particularly common around the edges of plastic-edged nappies,… Continue Reading >
In order for nanoparticles in sunscreens to be considered dangerous, they have to first penetrate the skin, then go somewhere they can do significant damage. For now, there is no solid proof this can happen in humans. How it… Continue Reading >
If your baby could talk, he or she would definitely tell you that nappy rash is no fun. Nappy rash occurs around the backside – anywhere that’s usually covered in nappy. It’s particularly common around the edges of plastic-edged nappies,… Continue Reading >
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