My journey started with a night out with friends – where I heard the shocking stories of young children being abused by children their own age. As the ‘shock’ subsided, determination set in, and I quickly become a passionate advocator for protecting and empowering young children, authoring, publishing and distributing a picture book that is now being used by over 14,000 Australian families and organisations.
As a stay-at-home Mum, without a background in child protection, I never dreamed that I could make such a big difference – but I have. Quite often it is bittersweet hearing the details of lives that have been changed – particularly from those children that have disclosed something, after reading Only For Me. But at the end of the day I know that lives have been changed for the better.
But no matter how many people I reach – I know it will never be enough. Instead I need other parents and carers to invest in my mission. I need you to spread the word about the responsibility we have, to educate our children about body safety. I need you to start a conversation with your friends and family. I need you to use the power of social media to share the message and to make other parents aware of their responsibility.
I am hoping and praying for a generational shift – where body safety conversations simply become a part of every family’s agenda. Where every child uses the correct anatomical terms for their private parts, where every child can identify inappropriate behaviour and where every child knows how to respond to unsafe situations. Ultimately, where the power is shifted away from predators, as they’re disarmed of the tricks and techniques that rely upon, to groom and coerce their victims.
I know that this won’t happen overnight but together I know we can make a difference. We CAN stand up for our precious children. We CAN say ‘no more’. We CAN educate, empower and protect. We CAN shift the power.
To learn more about having body safety conversations with your young children refer to my other Kiddipedia articles, or visit
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