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At some stage or another, every baby will suffer from a temporary skin irritation that sends parents into a panic as they try to bring relief to their little ones. Babies’ delicate, sensitive skin is naturally prone to inflammation, and it can prove challenging to bring skin ailments under control.

Once a doctor has ruled out anything more sinister, it’s generally up to parents to find an effective remedy or over-the-counter treatment they can trust to relieve the symptoms. That’s easier said than done however, as mums and dads must navigate the myriad of different products on the market plus competing advice and recommendations from well-meaning family and friends.

Our friends at Covitol understand that it can be overwhelming for mums and dads to understand their baby’s condition and know how to treat it quickly and effectively. It’s why they developed Covitol Cream® – a targeted and multi-purpose cream for babies, which comes to the rescue in treating a variety of skin-based conditions.

Experts in baby skin treatment, Covitol shed some light on the common skin irritations you may encounter as a new parent and how you can manage these flare-ups.

Nappy Rash

Almost a rite of passage for new parents is overcoming their baby’s nappy rash. It’s a very common ailment caused by prolonged exposure to dampness, ammonia substances released from urine, and the friction caused by your baby’s movement. The nappy area will be red, inflamed, and may even blister if left untreated.

The key to preventing nappy rash is to change nappies immediately when they become wet or soiled. Of course, this is not always possible to do, and all it takes is a small amount of time for a rash to develop on your baby’s highly sensitive skin. If nappy rash has taken hold, here’s what you should do:

  • Wash the nappy area with mild fragrance-free cleanser or plain water. If the rash is severe, use a squirt bottle to cleanse without rubbing.
  • If you haven’t already, invest in water-based baby wipes and check they are fragrance and alcohol-free. Standard baby wipes can further irritate and dry your baby’s skin, so if you only have these, it’s better to opt for a soft clean cloth.
  • Pat your baby dry – don’t rub. Let the area air-dry fully before applying a fresh nappy.
  • Apply a thick layer of nappy rash cream to soothe the skin and provide a barrier.


Eczema is a form of ‘atopic dermatitis’, and is a condition in which the skin has reacted to an irritating substance; common culprits being soaps, shampoos, or pollen. Furthermore, there can also be a link to food allergies, so it’s always a good idea to keep track of when your baby is introduced to any new stimulus, so you can pinpoint a potential skin trigger.

Eczema in babies involves a combination of the following symptoms: dry, tender, red, scaly/flaky, cracked, leathery, or crusting skin. Provided the eczema is classed as mild by a medical professional, the best defence is a cream specifically designed to soothe your baby’s discomfort and clear up the irritation.

An eczema flare up in babies is usually not a chronic condition, and with the right treatment, can be resolved in due course. Tips for prevention include:

  • Minimise the use of harsh soaps and keep bathtime short.
  • Avoid scented baby skin products which can trigger a skin reaction.
  • If your baby’s skin is dry, use ointment or lotion on affected areas to keep it supple.
  • Make sure your baby is dressed only in soft materials; preferably made from cotton.


Sunburn in babies can be very serious. Did you know that a single bad burn in infancy or childhood doubles one’s risk of developing malignant melanoma – the most deadly of skin cancers – in adulthood? Seeking urgent medical attention is critical for babies with a serious/large sunburn, but a mild or small patch can be treated with a cool compress for 10-15 minutes repeated 3-4 daily, and followed up with a cream designed to soothe pain and lock moisture back into the skin. Prevention of sunburn is of course key, and can be achieved by following a few rules for sun exposure.

  • Limit exposure: The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m (even on overcast days), so remember to keep your baby in the shade during those peak hours.
  • Protective clothing: Hats with wide brims or back flaps are the best option, as they offer sun protection for the face, ears and neck. Your baby should also be dressed in light-weight but tightly woven fabrics to shield them from harmful UV rays. Also try baby sunglasses if you little one will keep them on.
  • Sunscreen as a backup: There has been some debate on whether it’s advisable to apply sunscreen to babies under the age of 6 months. The consensus appears to be that while it is safe to apply sparingly, it should never be seen as a substitute for keeping newborns in shaded areas and away from sun in the first place. A light application should serve only as a back-up defence for those pesky UV rays.


A multipurpose treatment solution

Mums and dads don’t want to test a dozen different products to treat their baby’s skin irritation. Whether they are noticing the first signs of skin irritation or it’s a problem that has persisted for days, they want a first-time, fast-acting solution. Covitol Cream is a proven treatment for each of the above conditions, and a trusted, go-to solution for many mums and dads across Australia.

Benefits of Covitol Cream:

  • Suitable for a wide range of skin conditions, including nappy rash & eczema
  • Low allergy risk with no fragrance or colours
  • High concentration of cod liver oil, rich in vitamin A, vitamin D and Omega 3.
  • Higher concentration of zinc oxide (skin repair and skin barrier ingredient) compared to other brands
  • May improve the speed of wound healing
  • Made in Australia
  • Trusted by nurses

The upside to babies’ delicate, thin skin? It’s more responsive to your touch! In fact, touch triggers your baby’s hormones, boosts immunity, and helps fight disease. Equipped with a tube of Covitol in your medicine cabinet, you can have peace of mind that you are ready soothe any irritations that come your way. To learn more and find your nearest Covitol stockist, visit their website:

*The contents of this article does not constitute medical advice


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