Kiddipedia was created with the vision to ‘give children a better future by improving the world around them’. Alarmingly in Australia each year, there are over 48,000 babies born that require the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN).
In addition to this, around 27,000 of these babies are born premature, and up to 1,000 babies lose their fight for life.
For families, the experience of having a baby come into the world not as expected or planned is life-changing. Without assistance or help, this overwhelming and traumatic experience can have lifelong effects on the emotional wellbeing of these families. It affects the entire family unit.
Staying true to our vision, Kiddipedia is thrilled to announce our partnership with Miracle Babies Foundation, a leading not-for-profit organisation supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them.
Kiddipedia supports Miracle Babies in their mission to achieve Better, healthier outcomes for newborns and their families challenged by prematurity and sickness. Each month we will publish articles written by the Miracle Babies team to help support families experiencing a threatened pregnancy, hospital journey with a premature or sick newborn, and through the transition to home and beyond.
To help us learn more about this incredible organisation, we are thrilled to introduce Melinda Cruz (Founder, Miracle Babies Foundation). Melinda, a mother of two babies, cared for the NICU, initiated the foundation in 2005 with the help of Liverpool Hospitals Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and a group of mothers of premature and sick newborns.
Melinda is also a published author and speaker on not for profit startup, entrepreneurship and women in leadership.
Here we ask Melinda a few questions to help us understand more about the vital services they offer to families nationally.
1. How many premmie babies are born each year in Australia? Is this figure increasing/decreasing – and why?
Every year in Australia, approximately 27,000 babies are born premature (<37 weeks). This figure is slowing increasing which is likely to be due to medical advancements leading to more babies surviving being born so early.
2. Are there indicators that a woman will have a premmie? (such as age/family history etc. through to the pregnancy – potential research)
Having a preterm baby does not discriminate, but common reasons can be associated with different factors including social, behavioural or medical. Prior medical conditions, complications or multiples during pregnancy like cervical incompetence, preeclampsia, diabetes, infections or placenta problems can lead to early birth, as can a previous preterm delivery. Also, a mothers age, social situation and behavioural choices can also lead to having a premature baby.
3. Some babies can spend 100 days or more in NICU. How does this experience (NICU) impact on the family of a premmie? (stressful, high levels of anxiety)
Having a pregnancy not go to plan can be devastating for a family. When a baby has to spend an extreme length of time in hospital it can be incredibly overwhelming and finding a new normal can take time. Families can experience high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, financial and marital strain and be overwhelmed with juggling family commitments such as other children and returning to work.
4. On average, how long will a premmie baby remain in hospital and what is happening during this period? (e.g. development process of lungs/brain/heart…?)
On average and with everything going well, most parents are told they can expect their premature baby to remain in hospital until their expected due date. So for example, a baby born 10 weeks early would be expected to be in hospital for 10 weeks. Even though it is at a slightly slower pace, during this time a baby is continuing to develop just like it would in its mothers womb. Babies do not learn to suck until around 34 weeks which is why feeding is essential to support and is one of the last things a baby needs to be doing well before being discharged home.
5. Preterm babies are tiny and sensitive. What things assist in their care and comfort? (ideally, weave in premmie size nappies for comfort…)
Premmie babies thrive on their parents love, and things that can assist with family bonding include skin to skin kangaroo care and babies given mothers own milk. In addition to this, using gentle soaps, soft fabrics and appropriately sized nappies can help support your little one.
6. What emotions do Premmie parents go through during this time? (i.e. birth and hospitalisation)
Many emotions that parents experience include fear, disappointment, heartache, isolation, worry and anxiety. They are also new parents, and these emotions are mixed with love, joy and hope.
7. How does Miracle Babies Foundation support these parents and their newborns?
Since 2005, Miracle Babies Foundation has been passionate in developing and providing vital programs and resources to support and enhance a family’s experience from a threatened pregnancy, hospital journey with a premature or sick newborn, the transition to home and beyond. There are many ways a family can access our services including a 24-hour family helpline, in hospital parent support, discharge programs, resources and online communities.
8. How can family and friends offer support to the parents of a premmie – especially when their newborn is in NICU? And afterwards?
It is such a sensitive time, and while every situation is different, we do encourage extended family and friends to be there to support the new family.
When I had my second son at 27 weeks, I remember noticing that family and friends seemed unsure of what to say, how to react or what we needed.
As family and friends often do not know what to say or do, so we’ve listed some dos and dont’s on our website
9. What are the significant milestones that are celebrated?
In the NICU, every small step needs to be celebrated, and that could include baby’s first cuddle, the first time in an outfit, the first time in an open cot or when tubes come out etc. It is essential for families to celebrate these moments to acknowledge that they are progressing through their journey.
10. What is your advice (or tips) on taking a pre-term baby home? (i.e. are there things that can minimise the stress/anxiety around taking a preterm home such as a support network, nurture groups etc.)
Taking your baby home is an exciting time, but alongside the relief of finally leaving the NICU, it can also be quite a daunting experience as you now have sole responsibility for your baby’s care. It is essential for new parents to take care of themselves and feel comfortable to ask for help. 24-hour help is available via our family helpline, and we encourage them to link into our services both online and through our NurtureGroups.
For more information, please visit:
Background Info only:
- What is the definition of a premmie baby? (is it 4 weeks premature or more/less?)
A baby born <37 weeks is considered premature