

Creating a room for your newborn can be a difficult process. In this article, we will cover everything you have to know when creating a nursery in your home.

Congratulations! You are about to receive the most adorable bundle of joy! Your beautiful baby is on its way and you have to prepare everything for its arrival.

After sharing the wonderful news with your loved ones, it’s time to be practical and prepare. If you have a spare room, you are probably thinking about turning it into a nursery. You want to make it perfect for your little one, and maybe you even have a perfect picture in your head, which is great.

But beside that, you will also need a detailed plan. It will make the entire process of creating a perfect nursery so much smoother, and you won’t miss some important and practical things.

We are here to help you redecorate your spare room and turn it into a most beautiful, soothing, and fun space that will have all that you and your child need.

First of all, make a plan! Consider everything you will need for your nursery and write it down. Make a shopping list and measure the room to see if everything can fit. Think about how to organize all the stuff, plan enough storage space to keep the room clean and tidy. If you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, we are here to help!

Plan Wisely

When you start redecorating your room, you need to do the following

  1. Set up a budget & choose a color scheme or a theme (around 4. month of your pregnancy)
  2. Redecorate walls, floor & arrange lighting (around 5. month).
  3. Choose storage solutions and furniture (around 5. month) & install them (around 6. month)
  4. Buy soft furnishings and decorations and give your nursery a finishing touch (around 7. month)

Go step-by-step, carefully think about everything, write it down, and make it happen!

Color Scheme

Colors have a great impact on our lives. Most of the time we are not aware of it, but color psychology teaches us that different colors evoke different moods. The color scheme you choose for your nursery needs to be calming and soothing, not only for the baby but for you as well.

The first months after giving birth are very stressful and exhausting, so a nursery should be a quiet and relaxing place. Therefore, it is really important to choose the right colors when you decorate it.

What are the best color options for a nursery? Pale and pastel shades of many colors are calming and relaxing so there is a wide range of colors to choose from. But let’s see what specific moods and feelings each color evokes. You probably innocuously feel what color will work best for you, but it’s good to know the psychology behind it and chose the one that will be perfect for your baby as well.


Blue is the color of seas, oceans, and clear summer sky. It brings the feeling of tranquility and serenity. It’s also the color of spirituality, inspiration, and stability. A great choice for a nursery, especially if you are waiting for a baby boy.

Try to avoid too dark, cold, or gray shades since these can create a feeling of sadness and loneliness. The most popular shades of blue for a nursery are Powder Blue, Aqua, and Pale Turquoise.


Green is the color of nature. It is cheerful and soothing and well known as a stress reliever. It’s the color of good health and good luck. Green brings peace, optimism, and energy. If you chose it for your nursery, avoid too intense shades, choose pale or pastel green.

You can then add some little details in wintergreen or bright green to bring in the feeling of cheerfulness and energy. For the primary color consider Sage Green, Apple Green, Mint Green, Seafoam Green, or Aquamarine.


Pink has always been a no. 1 choice for baby girls’ nurseries. It is observed as the color of femininity and feminine qualities, such as compassion, softness, and kindness. Pink creates a magical and fairy-like atmosphere and every parent tends to see their baby daughter as a beautiful fairy or a princess.

Pale and pastel pink represent innocence and playfulness. Intense pink, on the other hand, is associated with romance and flirt and may not be the best solution for the nursery. Also, too much pink is never a good idea. Try to introduce some neutral colors, white for example, and create a balance. As for the shades of pink that are most suitable for a nursery, consider Pale Pink, Baby Pink, Peach Pink, and Lavender.


Yellow is energetic and attention-grabbing color. It’s a color of warmth, energy, and cheerfulness. But if it’s too intense, it can become aggressive. Fully saturated yellow is too simulative, but pale shades can look very nice in a nursery. Especially in combination with some other colors.

Yellow is childish and playful, but some people find it irritable. Certain studies show that babies tend to cry more in yellow rooms. If you really like yellow, you may consider choosing some nice yellow decorations, like pictures and pillows, instead of painting the entire room yellow.


White is, of course, the color of innocence and purity. It is clean, fresh, and simple and brings in positive vibes. It’s a perfect color for a baby room, but if there is too much of it, your white room can end up looking boring, dull, and sterile.

The best thing to do is to use different shades of white and some nice details in other colors. White can be a great background for shabby chic or rustic furniture. The most popular shades of white for a nursery are Soft Ivory, Pearl White, Antique White, Vanilla White.

Themed Nursery

When you choose the primary color for your nursery, you can also consider a certain theme. Some of the popular ones are cute animals, fairies, planets, and space, or anything else you think will be cute and interesting to your baby and later a toddler.

Walls, Floor & Lighting

Wall Painting

You chose your color scheme, so now is the time to deal with walls and floors. It’s dirty work, but it needs to be done. Even if you are satisfied with the existing color of your walls, a fresh paint coat will refresh the room and give it a perfectly clean look.

Do some research and choose paints that are non-toxic, eco-friendly, and baby-safe. They should be low on Volatile Organic Compounds and have high fungal resistance. Finish the work at least 3 months before you bring the baby in to allow the room to air out completely. Also to have enough time to buy and organize furniture.


Another great option is installing wallpapers. There are tons of wallpaper designs with cute drawings and pastel colors perfect for a nursery. All you have to do is choose, which might not be so easy as it seems considering so many great solutions available. You can also find a wide range of stencils and stickers and add an extra touch to your walls.


There are several flooring options for a baby’s nursery. The hardwood floor is a standard. It’s very easy to maintain and it doesn’t trap allergens. But it can be a bit harsh for your baby’s knees when it starts to crawl or hurt a bit more if the baby falls while learning to walk. You can prevent this by using soft rugs and foam play mats.

An alternative to hardwood are bamboo and cork floors. They are eco-friendly and cost less, but cork flooring is harder to clean since it is porous and may be more likely to accumulate dust and mold in its crevices.

Carpet is soft and cozy, but it can be difficult to clean since it easily traps dust and mold. Regular vacuuming is a must. Also, make sure to choose a carpet with low VOC (volatile organic compounds).


Good lighting in a nursery is very important. It’s always nice to have a room with large windows and a lot of natural light, but it is equally important to be able to create a pleasant sleeping place during the day. You can solve that problem by adding curtains or blinds on your windows. Match them with the color scheme of your room and they will be not only useful but also a great decoration.

At night, having a dimmer switch is very practical. Install one if you can. You won’t regret it. It will help you create a relaxing atmosphere and adjust the level of light depending on what you are doing.

A small night light can provide enough light to check on the baby from time to time during the night and also allow your baby to sleep in the dark. Dark enables the brain to release melatonin, a hormone crucial for a good night’s sleep.

A simple lamp beside the chair where you will be feeding your baby will provide just enough light to see your baby, without waking it up completely. When a baby falls asleep, you might want to stay beside the crib and read a book or just quietly rest.


Before you buy any furniture, measure it and make sure that it can fit your room. Choose wisely and practically. Of course, you want the best for your little one, but sometimes you have to make a compromise because of the budget or room size. Draw a plan of the room and make a list of options to choose from. Here are things essential for every nursery:

A Crib or a Bassinet

The major feature in every nursery is a crib or bassinet. Which one is a better choice? Both have pros and cons, so in the end, it’s up to you and your needs.

Cribs are larger, take more space, and are usually more expensive. But they are more durable and can be transformed into a toddler bed. Bassinets are smaller, cozier, and portable. You can carry them around the house. But after a few months, your baby will grow it out. Whichever you chose, be sure that safety standards are met.

And what about the mattress? A good mattress is extremely important. Baby is small and fragile and needs to sleep on a firm, flat surface for its proper development.

Many parents believe that a soft sleeping environment is cozier and protects the baby from injuries. But studies have shown that soft mattresses increase the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Also, a firm mattress protects the baby from overheating and smothering. Double-sided crib mattresses might be a good solution since one side is firm and have extra support for the infant stage of a baby’s life and the other is softer and more comfortable for the toddler stage.

A Chair for Mom or Dad

A nursing chair is essential for every nursery. You need to have a cozy place to feed your baby. Especially if you are breastfeeding, it’s crucial to be relaxed and feel comfortable.

There are some things to consider when you are buying a nursing chair. First of all, you need to decide if you want a rocking, gliding, or a stationary chair. Rocking chairs are helpful when you are trying to get your baby to sleep. The rocking motion is soothing and great for stress relief, anxiety, and pain.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s cozy and that you feel relaxed in it. Go and try before you buy! Remember to check if there is enough space when you have a breastfeeding pillow. Also, see if the armrests are suitable for your height and wide enough to be comfortable.

If you have space, place a small table beside the chair. You will find it very convenient. Perfect place to put down a bottle, a book, or your phone.

A Changing Table

The changing table is primarily used for changing diapers but it can also be useful as a place to give your baby a massage, or do some baby exercise.

There are many different types of changing tables and it’s up to you to choose the one that fits your room the most. Some are designed to be attached to the wall and are great for small spaces. Others are made as dresser extensions. Some can convert into a desk or a cupboard. Colors and styles are various so you will have no problem finding the perfect one.

Before you buy, check its height. They are made in different heights and to avoid back pain you must ensure that it is in proportion to your height.

Above all, make sure it’s safe for the baby. Changing tables with a flat surface must have barriers on all 4 sides. Those with a contoured surface must have 2 barriers on opposite sides. Changing pad needs to have a safety trap that fixes it to the table and a waterproof side to keep the changing table dry and clean.

A Baby Swing

These are not essential but extremely useful. Imagine you have a ton of stuff to do but the baby is in your arms. If you put it in the crib where it is safe, it starts to cry immediately. You are stuck and desperate. That’s where the baby swing comes in!

A baby swing is a baby chair that swings back and forth imitating the womb’s rocking motion. It’s comfortable and soothing and excellent for calming a baby. Some babies like to nap in them, others like to engage with toys attached to it. It requires power (there are plugin and buttery options) but that means your hands are free to do whatever you need to do. Your baby will be safe and happy.

Baby rockers are similar but suitable only for babies up to 6 months. They are not power-operated, so you need to rock them by yourself. They are equally efficient in soothing and calming the baby.

A baby bouncer is a seat on a wireframe that bounces up and down. The infant makes it move by its own movements. It’s a fun activity and also safe since the seat is designed to promote the proper growth of the infant’s spine.


Storage is very important, especially if your room is small. You’ll be surprised at how much stuff you will need for your little one. And it all has to be stored somewhere to keep the room tidy and easier to clean.

When you’re planning your storage space and deciding whether to get a small dresser, drawers or shelves, remember you need to have a place for:

  • clothes
  • diapers
  • blankets
  • linen
  • towels
  • washcloths
  • changing pads

You may also want to consider having shelves or drawers for things like:

  • baby care products
  • thermometer and medication
  • pacifiers
  • breast pump
  • wipes
  • burp cloths
  • baby nail clippers
  • baby oil
  • skincare ointments
  • petroleum jelly
  • cotton balls, etc.

If you plan to have a small play area in the nursery, consider some shelves for books and a storage chest for toys. Organize everything to be easily accessible since you will have to manage most of the things with only one hand.

Soft Furnishing and Decorations

If you have completed all the tasks listed above, here comes the easy and fun part! Get some cute pillows, beautiful baby linen, nursery themed curtains, and all those cute and beautiful baby decorations. Be inspired! Give your nursery that personal touch and show your excitement. Get some pictures, posters, educative toys, and plush animals. And above all, have fun and enjoy it!


Hi, I’m Martin, the person behind Spare Space Solutions. I am passionate about the space around me being beautiful.






The original article can be viewed at Spare Space Solutions

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