

Have you ever caught the gleam in your child’s eyes when they recount tales of their toys springing to life? Or what about when they sketch out exciting adventures of superheroes saving the world? That sparkle signifies a youthful imagination, the very essence of storytelling, which, at its core, is the art of writing.

Translating this imaginative play of children into written words often poses a significant challenge. As a result, many parents are puzzled by the question of how to nurture their kids’ innate creativity and help them find joy in writing. You might be one of those parents.

So, while your child is still young, it’s best to get them to like reading and writing. Why? Because it’s alarming that Australia’s literacy rate is in decline. In 2018, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tested 14,000 students and found that 20% of 15-year-old students are illiterate. In 2000, it was only at 12%.

Because of that, before your kid becomes an adolescent, make sure that they can find joy in literature. To help you out, here are some proven methods intended to not only spark your child’s interest but also nurture a lifelong love for writing:

  • Emphasise the art of illustration

Every picture tells a story. This idiom has rung true ever since, and it can be a reasonable basis for you to let your child draw their tales first before they write. They can use the illustrations they’ll create as visual aids to motivate them to write and enjoy the process at the same time.

Letting them transfer their imaginations to illustrations gives wings to their creativity. This practice transforms the act of writing into a more tactile and tangible experience, igniting both interest and motivation.

Moreover, integrating art with writing doesn’t just improve children’s literacy skills; it also enhances fine motor skills and stokes creativity. It’s a holistic approach that boosts your child’s overall development.

  • Channel their innate storytelling power

Your child is a natural-born storyteller. This skill is evident in their boundless curiosity, imaginative play and relentless quest for answers to ‘why’ questions. Assist them in channelling this innate storytelling ability into their writing. 

Start with something simple, like a tale about their favourite stuffed animal or an adventure they had at the park. Writing about something dear to them or they’re fondly familiar with can allow them to be more excited and inspired. 

Also, nurture an environment where their ideas are valued, and every story they write – no matter how fantastical or far-fetched – is lauded for its creativity. Boosting their confidence this way can encourage them to do more than just jot down words.

  • Embrace mistakes as stepping stones

As your child embarks on their writing journey, foster an environment where they feel free to make and learn from mistakes. Often, children can be deterred from writing due to a fear of ‘getting it wrong.’ When such fear takes hold, it can overshadow the joy of self-expression that writing offers.

Remind your child that making errors is acceptable and an essential part of their learning. Every missed punctuation mark or spelling error is a stepping stone towards mastery. Yet, the focus should always be on encouraging creativity and self-expression. Celebrate their imaginative stories, praise their unique voice and appreciate their efforts.

As your child gains confidence in their writing, you can gradually introduce them to the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation and spelling, reinforcing these concepts in a gentle, supportive manner. This balance ensures that your child views writing as an enjoyable process rather than a test of perfection.

  • Encourage them to read more

Reading is a window to an array of storytelling styles, diverse vocabulary and captivating narratives. It lays the foundation for your child’s writing journey, helping them grasp language structures and enrich their vocabulary. By immersing themselves in different genres, they’ll gain a sense of how stories are constructed, how characters are developed and how plots are unravelled.

Additionally, initiate discussions about the books they read. Ask about their beloved characters, the most exciting parts of the story or how they would’ve ended the book differently. Such conversations stimulate their critical thinking and encourage them to view writing as a means of sharing their unique perspectives.

Lastly, try to make habitual reading fun by selecting books that align with your child’s interests. Explore different genres and encourage your child to discover their favourite. As they become avid readers, they’ll naturally find inspiration for their own stories, learn new words to express their thoughts and understand the power of well-structured sentences.

  • Guide them with creative prompts

To a child, a blank page can be as intimidating as a towering monster. Here’s where creative prompts stride in to save the day. Instead of pushing your child to ‘write something,’ guide them with intriguing scenarios, fascinating questions or even whimsical doodles. A single prompt can unleash their creativity, allowing the river of words to flow freely.

Handpick prompts that revolve around your child’s interests. If they’re captivated by the universe, how about a prompt like, ‘Imagine you’re the first astronaut to land on Mars?’ The aim isn’t to churn out an impeccably polished writer but to develop a happy and passionate writer.

  • Make writing a family affair

A paper about children’s literacy in the United States has posited that children who engage in reading and writing activities at home, whether for school tasks or leisure, are nurturing essential long-term skills related to studying and executive function.

Writing needn’t be a solitary endeavour. It can be turned into an enjoyable bonding activity for the whole family, and incorporating it into your family routine can take various forms. 

One good way is to start a family journal where each member shares their day’s highlights, thoughts, dreams or challenges. This activity inspires your child to express their feelings and experiences in written form and supports developing crucial study and executive function skills.

Another engaging activity is to participate in writing games. Play story-building activities where each family member adds a sentence to build a story, create silly poems together or write and perform a mini-family play. Witnessing adults enjoy writing activities can significantly influence your child’s perception of writing.

  • Foster a habit of daily writing

One of the most productive ways to encourage your child to love writing is by making it a regular part of their routine. However, this doesn’t mean they need to be crafting complex narratives or essays every day. The goal is to cultivate familiarity and ease with expressing thoughts in daily creative writing.

This habit serves multiple purposes:

  • It dispels the intimidation factor associated with writing. The more frequently they write, the less daunting the task becomes.
  • It provides ample opportunity to experiment with language and style, helping develop their unique voice.
  • Regular practice invariably leads to improvement, and as your child sees their writing skills grow, they’re likely to enjoy the process even more.

Consider setting aside a ‘writing time’ in their daily schedule. This could be a relaxed period where they write about anything that piques their interest. They might enjoy recounting the day’s adventures and be encouraged to write.

Wrapping up

Fostering a love for writing in your child is akin to embarking on a wonderful expedition that combines understanding their psyche, presenting the joy of storytelling and unlocking their imagination.

The goal isn’t to mould a best-selling author overnight but to nurture a love for expression that can be a lifelong source of joy, creativity and learning. Remember, every child is a budding author – they just need the right environment to flourish.