

What is eczema?

Eczema is an itchy skin rash.  It often occurs in more than one member of the family.


How to recognize it?

Dry, red and itchy skin that may appear inflamed or cracked, and in some cases weep can indicate eczema. Babies are often affected on the face and occasionally the scalp and ears. Toddlers are prone to it on the knees, ankles and inside wrists. For older children and adults, it may appear in elbows and knees. Some people are affected over the entire body.


What causes Eczema?

The cause is still not known. Many people who have eczema also have an allergy. And children are more likely to have eczema if they have family members with eczema, asthma or hay fever. An outbreak can be triggered by various things including: heat (hot baths, dry air, overheating in bed), soap, detergents, medicated and perfumed products, bubble baths, fabric, allergies to food, dust mites, pollens and fur.


Prevention and Treatment

  • Keep skin well moisturised, preferably with organic skin care products to avoid unnecessary irritation
  • Avoid the main triggers, such as overheating and contact with chemical irritants.
  • Reduce itching by using wet dressings or cool compresses. If scabs develop, remove by bathing in lukewarm water to soften the scabs, and then gently wiping the crusts off with a soft, wet towel.
  • Babies with eczema should be kept away from people with cold sores, as they are susceptible to the cold sore virus.
  • For ongoing cases, consult your healthcare practitioner.


It’s easy to see why prevention of an eczema outbreak is preferable to treating one. One of the keys to prevention is to avoid chemical based products. Many eczema sufferers also say that using organic skin care products in general reduces the frequency and/or the severity of their outbreaks.


The complete Little Innoscents range is formulated specifically to prevent and treat eczema, with the Little Innoscents Nappy Rash Cream the mum’s favourite to use on outbreaks. Keep it in your medicine cabinet to relieve the symptoms of eczema.

About the Author: Antonette Golikidis has studied Natural Health Science at the Australian College of Natural Medicine and is qualified in RemedialA Massage Therapy and Aromatherapy. Currently she lectures in Remedial Massage at a tertiary level. The greatest effort has gone into ensuring the information on this page is valid, however if you are concerned about the health of your child; please visit your healthcare professional.


*While the greatest effort has been invested to ensure the validity of this information, the advice therein is set as a ‘general’ guide only, and your individual needs may require a different method to the one shown. Little Innoscents would like to encourage you to see your regular healthcare professional, should you be concerned for you or your baby’s wellbeing.


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