

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


There has been a huge trend in recent years to ‘find your purpose’. I, for one went on an intrepid search for half my life to find my true self and what really mattered. I wanted to find a career and path in my life that was deeply fulfilling and satisfying to my soul. Money and success just weren’t enough for me, and it set me on a mission to find what was missing, and why.

In a society where we have been living through the end of the industrial age with more and more mass produced clothing, food, cars, medicine as well as products for every single part of our lives, it’s hard not to be impacted. 

With this mass produced ‘one size fits all’ strategy targeted at every single person, it’s hard not  to get lost in the ‘sameness’ and spend more time trying to fit in. Most of us spend our teenage years trying to find similarities and acceptance from others in order to feel OK about ourselves. 

In actual fact we are a product of this mass conditioned thinking that we are better when we are all the same, like the same things, dress the same or create almost identical dance videos on TikTok. Individuality is avoided rather than celebrated in the minds of teens, which often leads us down a path later in life that isn’t in alignment with our true self. This can send us on an endless ‘seeking’ or ‘searching’ journey, which in actual fact often leads us even further away from the answer. Which is, ourselves.

The truth is, we all come into this life with a unique essence. A particular version of a human being with an energy signature unlike anyone else. There is not a single other person on the planet with the same fingerprint, or the exact same make up. We were born to be different, and for good reason. 

I truly believe we all carry particular special qualities to fulfil our purpose on the planet. Whether that is creating game changing technology like Steve Jobs and Apple, embodying the most loving and compassionate state of being with your neighbours in a small town or simply understanding and embodying your true self to touch everyone you come across and inspire them to find theirs. Finding our purpose isn’t necessarily about finding anything outside of ourself, but embodying who we truly are enough to be the most magnificent and impactful version of who we can be. 

Everything that we are looking to find – is what we already are. We have everything we need within. We are not supposed to be like anyone else and when we can embrace that, and celebrate that, the world open up to us in ways like never before. We send out a profound ripple that effects others and creates positive change. We start living our destiny and that deep fulfillment we may have been searching for is found. In the words of a quote from the last chapter of my book The Inside Hustle “We are our answer, and we are here to shift the consciousness of the planet by being who we truly are, not what the world has told us to be.” So next time you think you need to find your purpose, think again. It’s right under your nose.


Photo: Russ Flatt