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Divorce Answered

Divorce Answered

Breaking-up, separating and divorcing is a time of great stress, emotional overwhelm and overload - yet it doesn’t have to be like that. Separating and divorcing can be a time of empowerment and growth. It can be the most liberating experience of your life!

Divorce Answered was created by Rachael Scharrer following her ‘colourful’ protracted divorce. She realised that there was a lack of information readily available to people separating and felt that this basic information shouldn’t have to be available at 6-minute increments from the family lawyer.

Helping people be as informed as possible on their journey, Divorce Answered has free and affordable resources to help you feel confident in the choices and decisions you are making. When you are armed with the right information and the right resources, you can drive your divorce, be a better client for your lawyer and reach a resolution as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.

If you are separating or know someone who is separating, visit Divorce Answered for helpful tips and resources. Remember to login to access your free e-books, Separation Checklist and Budget Tool.



Children Learn How to Have Adult Relationships from Observing their Parents

For many couples, Valentine’s Day may just be another Hallmark Day, yet to others, it is a day that they can choose to make their partner feel particularly special and model to the children the attitudes and behaviours that they… Continue Reading >

How many Dads are you celebrating this Father’s Day?

Raising a young family and divorcing was a tumultuous and difficult time. During the divorce process, my children were incredibly fortunate to have so many amazing men step-up and care for their emotional and mental wellbeing. Enlisting the help and… Continue Reading >

Listening Effectively so that your Child Feels Heard (During Divorce and any other time)

When so much is happening during separation, being able to listen effectively so that your child feels heard becomes a crucial part of your everyday in divorce. Being able to communicate well with your child can help to strengthen the… Continue Reading >

Dating After Divorce: 10 Guidelines for Dating as a Single Parent

Diving into the dating pool after marriage can be equally an exciting and daunting process. Sadly, there isn’t a perfect prescription telling you how to date well after separation. Rachael Scharrer, Separation Strategist and Life Change Counsellor at Divorce Answered… Continue Reading >

The Effects of Remarrying on Children

Remarrying can be the greatest step that you take for your emotional, intimate and personal relationship journey. As you embark on this stage, everyone hopes that life will transition as easily as the ‘Brady Bunch’ did. In reality, there can… Continue Reading >

How Often Can I See My Child?

Breaking-up create a new dynamic in the family and raises a lot of questions. Unfortunately, there isn’t one perfect solution that can be applied to every family and there are a number of unique factors and considerations that each family… Continue Reading >

5 Emotions that can Change your Parenting Style in Divorce

When you are a parent and your relationship is over, it is likely to affect you and your child. You are likely to experience a range of emotions as your circumstances change and your future becomes uncertain. These emotions can… Continue Reading >

Why settling your matters quickly is in the best interest of your child

Your child has two parents. Both parents are equally important and influential on the child and the choices that the parents make certainly impact the child. The impact may be positive and negative which is why settling your parenting and… Continue Reading >

7 Phrases that you must tell your child during separation

Divorcing can be a time of great confusion and uncertainty for adults and children. It’s a process that every person in the family needs to work through at their own pace. Children, however, don’t have the same cognitive development and… Continue Reading >

Balancing Quarantined Life with Single or Solo Parenting

We are experiencing unprecedented times. We are learning about the new phenomenon of ‘social distancing’ and for many people they are facing isolation due to health concerns or government regulations. For divorced primary carer parents, the social restrictions make it… Continue Reading >

International Women’s Day 2020: A Letter To My Daughter

08.03.2020 Dearest Daughter, In 2020, the 109th year of recognising the achievements of women on International Women’s Day, I wanted to share with you some life lessons that you can take with you for the rest of your life. As… Continue Reading >

Helping your child through Emotions

It is widely accepted that adults experience a wide range of emotions when their relationship ends. They may become stressed, anxious, remorseful, angry, frustrated, upset, depressed… Often, people tend to forget that children also can become emotional as their family… Continue Reading >

How you can make Christmas special for you and your child when divorcing

Christmas can stir-up a variety of emotions in people and families. There can be remorse for breaking up a family, sadness that the family aren’t together, missing old traditions and loneliness of being on your own. But … there is… Continue Reading >

Christmas and Parenting: To Update, Deviate or Continue with the Status Quo

Christmas is fast approaching. Some families will want to make changes to their parenting plans and other families will want to change arrangements from last year. Don’t delay – you don’t want to be the parent who wishes that they… Continue Reading >

Five Actions that could be considered Mistreatment of your Child

When the words ‘child abuse’ are said, people commonly believe the actions to be severe physical violence or severe lengths of neglect. However, throughout divorce, there are lesser actions that can have an equally severe long-term impact on your child… Continue Reading >

Helping your child through their divorce experience

When two parents decide to no longer be together, it is a decision that may have been long expected or it could come as a complete surprise. Every child’s reaction and response to their parents breaking-up will be unique and… Continue Reading >



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