

The hustle ain’t pregnancy approved.

In our busy, face-paced lives women are often juggling the corporate grind and trying to get ahead with being fit (read: skinny), feeling their best and also start thinking about the possibility of a future pregnancy.

But preparing for a future pregnancy isn’t about looking like a supermodel or having enough cash in the bank. In fact, it may not be what you think.

Keto, high protein, low or no carb isn’t exactly fertility friendly so if preparing your body for a baby is high on your priority list it’s time to scrap the fad diets and focus on wholesome, nourishing foods that support your fertility, your body and the health of your future baby.

Say what?!

Yep, cutting calories or skipping carbs can do more harm than good when it comes to preparing your body for baby because your body needs to feel nourished and fuelled to feel safe to bring new life into the world.

And, cutting carbs or calories can jeopardize the health of your menstrual cycle namely ovulation and egg quality.

You need to ovulate and have healthy eggs to conceive.

That’s right! Nutrition and the environment around you can impact your chances of conceiving and the health of your future baby by impacting the quality of your eggs and the DNA inside.

But don’t forget the lads.

It takes two to tango and his preparation should be just as important as yours. Here are 5 must-do’s to prepare your body for a baby:

  1. Get a blood test to determine your overall health and nutrient
  2. Boost your omega 3’s with algae oil or sustainably caught local oily fish and take a combo of folic acid and active folate
  3. Fill your plant-based plate with plant proteins, wholegrains and colourful veggies and fruit
  4. Ask the waiter to make you an epic mocktail so you never have FOMO when out with the gals
  5. Focus on what you enjoy and place stress-management strategies in place


Bec Norris is a Certified Fertility and Pregnancy Dietitian Nutritionist and founder of Plantful Pregnancy. An online boutique private practice that helps plant-based women get pregnant and stay plant-based. Plantful Pregnancy sprouted in 2020 out of a need to support, empower and nourish modern women that want to make the world a better place. For more information on how to prepare your body for a future pregnancy visit Bec’s preconception program called Prep Your Body For Baby that shows you exactly how to prepare for a future plant-based pregnancy or download your Prenatal Supplement Checklist here

Bec Norris,, 0421 788 116 Instagram: @plantful.pregnancy
