

With the fast pace of modern parenting, it can be easy to get caught up in the never-ending whirlwind of school, after-school activities, work, housework, family and all the other commitments that come with life.

Which is why you may find yourself, like me, in a constant rush to get everything done, leaving little time for yourself, your needs or for any kind of self-care. Not to mention, you find yourself halfway through a year you believe has only just begun (or that could just be me…)

There’s not much we can do about the pace of our lives. In our various roles as parents, workers, relatives and friends, there will always be lots on our plates. However, we can look at how we carve out time for ourselves and how we use that time to care for our needs.

You don’t need a half-day spa day or an hour out of the house to build self-care into your day (although they would both be awesome!). Honestly, you only need a few minutes at a time to start looking after yourself and begin practising self-care on a daily basis.


Here are 5 practical self-care ideas for even the busiest of parents. Aim to complete one of them each day so you begin to build self-care into your life and develop the positive habit of making time for your needs too.


  1. Look up at the sky – when was the last time you stopped and looked up at the sky? It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort but looking up and taking in the wonder of nature can help ground you, give you a feeling of peace and make you smile.


  1. Write one positive thing each day – at the end of the day, write a sentence listing one positive thing that happened to you. This is a quick and simple exercise in taking stock, looking for the positives and ending the day on a high.


  1. Take some deep breaths – stop for a few moments and take some deep breaths to calm your body and mind. There’s a reason breathing is the basis for mindfulness, yoga and pilates. Deep breathing will help you, even on the busiest of days.


  1. Enjoy your food – it’s tempting to eat fast and often but a great self-care activity is to prepare one of your favourite meals and take the time to savour each bite. We all need to eat. Why not make it a real occasion and something to look forward to?


  1. Choose to say no – sometimes, the best self-care activity you can do for yourself is to say no to an invitation, task or obligation. If you don’t have the time or inclination, let go of the guilt and say no. You can’t do it all and you shouldn’t have to!


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