

You can use a journal to be creative, find out more about yourself, develop your intuition and solve problems. By getting thoughts out of your head and down on paper, you can gain insights about yourself that you might not otherwise see, insights that get lost in your head with all of the other thoughts and worries.

To get the most out of this valuable self-discovery resource, try and journal daily.  You can write, draw, use point form, doodle or write in length, whatever suits you at the time.  The idea is to get those thoughts out of your head and onto the paper, so they are no longer swirling aimlessly in your head creating stress, anxiety and confusion.

Below are some benefits and a mix of prompts suitable for you and your children.


Why You Should Journal……….

  1. It is fun
  2. It helps with your focus
  3. It’s a safe place for all your thoughts
  4. It increases self-awareness
  5. It reduces stress
  6. It releases negative emotions
  7. Helps you to feel better about yourself
  8. It quietens your crazy busy monkey mind
  9. It can keep track of your problems
  10. A place to work through your struggles
  11. A safe place to list all your fears and concerns
  12. It has no rules, messy writing and spelling mistakes are ok
  13. Helps to explore your dreams as you can record them here
  14. Helps you to set goals to manifest
  15. It is a reminder of how far you have come


15 Journal Writing Prompts
(most of these answers can be written or drawn)

Hint:  Put the date and time on the top of the page so you can track any patterns that may emerge over the weeks and months.  eg:  You might see that every Wednesday you are feeling particularly “angry” or every Monday night you or your child are having nightmares.  Journaling can help you track these patterns and provide clues as to why they occur.

  1. I really hate it when………..
  2. I’m happiest when………
  3. I am proud of myself for………..
  4. My biggest wish is………..
  5. My biggest fear is…….
  6. If I could change one thing in my life it would be………
  7. The thing I like most about myself is………….
  8. Today I am thankful for……
  9. The three things I couldn’t live without are……..
  10. If I was an animal I would be a………..
  11. If I had a super-power, I would want it to be………..
  12. The problem with being me is that……
  13. Last night I dreamt about…………
  14. I am good at………
  15. I feel stressed when……….
  16. Draw a picture of how you feel.
  17. “I am”………….(list of statements)
  18. Something I am looking forward to is………….
  19. Write a letter to your future self.
  20. Draw your own Mandala.


Once released to the paper, our written thoughts take on a different energy and meaning, turning into actions and goals, self-awareness, insight and inspiration.   A tried and proven stress management tool for all ages.


Kim X