Tips how to strengthen children’s spelling

I haven’t been mentoring for around for a half year, however, I have increased much involvement from the steady advancement of the understudy’s mind in the gaining systems to retain the spelling of different words. I have attempted cheat sheets… Continue Reading >

Be a hands on teacher

I was at the children’s playground one day with my niece and nephew, and being the big kid I am, I decided to climb a tree. You’ll never guess what happened…   There’s  no doubting the importance of free range… Continue Reading >

How Messaging Apps are Changing the Game for First-Time Parents

We know all too well the challenges and experiences of becoming a new parent. On top of crying babies and midnight feeds there is always family and friends who want to call you relentlessly, or drop by unannounced to meet… Continue Reading >

Top Parenting Hacks from Bree, B Minor Music

This month I caught up with Bree Hanson, a Mother of 3 children aged under 7 who loves making music for children and delivers music classes in Childcare Centres, Kindergartens and Community Centres. Naturally, I  asked her about her music… Continue Reading >