Did You Know 1.48 million Kid’s Toys Are Lost At Venues Annually In Australia? Does It’sFound Hold The Solution To Reuniting Them?

Did you know that 18.45 million items will be lost at Australian venues this year, and about 8% of those items will be kid’s toys, largely teddy bears! This equates to approximately 1.48 million kid’s toys lost at venues annually in… Continue Reading >

Toys and Gender

For many years retail stores have marketed toys and clothes to specific genders because it’s an easier way for them to reach their target buyers, but this has led to parents and often children feeling like they should only play… Continue Reading >

Experiences Over Stuff

My kids have too many things, things that they forget about or manage to break on the first day or two of owning. Teddies, other stuffed toys, little collectables that end up all over the floor, paper, cards, books, games… Continue Reading >

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but gee they’re fun to play with!

The sight of a child playing with sticks and stones is usually enough to elicit some kind of freak-out response from most parents and with good reason; sticks and stones can be dangerous right? But really, that can be said… Continue Reading >

How to teach your kids the gift of giving

Christmas is fast approaching. It’s a time of joy, of love, of togetherness. It’s also a time of giving, compassion and kindness. Here’s how you can teach your kids the warm, fuzzy side of Christmas this year. Giving thanks For… Continue Reading >

10 Best Toys for this coming Christmas

Question, have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Here’s a little known fact, the later you leave your present buying the more money you are likely to spend, and quite possibly the less thoughtful the present may be. Did you know… Continue Reading >

Play ideas to develop friendships

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation” ~Plato Many decades of research have demonstrated that parents play a large role in teaching children how to develop friendships. The ability… Continue Reading >

Playskool Heroes brings Big Boy Brands To Little Boy Hands

With the latest PLAYSKOOL HEROES range from Hasbro, little boys can discover a world of superhero play with characters from their favourite entertainment properties, including Transformers, Star Wars and Marvel. Sized just right for little hands, the PLAYSKOOL HEROES range… Continue Reading >