When so much is happening during separation, being able to listen effectively so that your child feels heard becomes a crucial part of your everyday in divorce. Being able to communicate well with your child can help to strengthen the… Continue Reading >
Cat napping is something that frustrates many mums. A catnap is a short nap, anything from 20-40 minutes. For babies, under 3-4 months of age, a cat nap can be a normal phenomenon. Until they are 4 months old babies… Continue Reading >
It used to be a teenage problem: kids who were obsessed with screens. But since the pandemic started, we are hearing from parents that kids as young as 2 are begging for more and more screen time and having massive… Continue Reading >
We have all heard the saying that the magic starts once you get out of your comfort zone, however its not that easy. Doing something different can be frightening. The fear of the unknown can make you feel uneasy and… Continue Reading >
A mentor recently told me that it’s as if what’s happening right now is the equivalent of Mother Nature sending us to our rooms to think about our bad behaviour, with the hope we’ll be let out knowing what needs… Continue Reading >
A beautiful new baby usually means a big reshuffle in life. How do we look after our relationship with our partner in all of this juggle? Now you’re parents not just partners. You’re two tired individuals trying to find your… Continue Reading >
Homeschooling can be very rewarding in which you can teach children and teens one on one. You get to actually focus on that child or teen and help them. Sometimes you may have a few children to home school and… Continue Reading >
By Laundry Expert Nicole Gibson from Soka Australia No matter the season, day of the week or whether you are on holidays, laundry is never cancelled. It can certainly be a never ending and thankless task that every parent… Continue Reading >
Fatherhood and newborns, a topic not nearly covered enough. Providing new Dads with practical emotional and social support is something that we can consciously become better at achieving, and purposefully do much more of. It’s not uncommon that when… Continue Reading >
There’s no doubt that mum life can be stressful. Fighting kids, dinner to be made…every night, washing to do, phone calls to make, jobs to go to, parent teacher interviews to attend. Not to mention the worry over schoolyard bullying,… Continue Reading >
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