Children and Technology

In the age of technology and social media, children and adolescents are now less likely to be physically active. Research has indicated that living a sedentary lifestyle (e.g. not being physically active and playing video games or watching television) can… Continue Reading >

Why are educational apps so important?

Educational apps have evolved into more capable caregivers for children. Children nowadays turn to technology and the internet for answers rather than seeking advice from adults. These applications provide the most up-to-date and accurate information when compared to other sources…. Continue Reading >

Signs your child isn’t getting enough sleep due to technology overuse

What are some signs that your child or adolescent isn’t getting enough sleep, perhaps through overusing technology? ● Depressed mood,(5) irritability during offline social interactions ● Hyperactivity at school (6) ● Reluctance/arguing about getting off phones/devices and going to bed… Continue Reading >

What is The Secret Value Of Your Child Learning Coding and STEM in Online Classes? | Adam Jacobs| Ep 187

  In the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, a lot of us are thinking about the world we are leaving the next generation and what we need to do to help children be prepared for their future. Your child’s employability… Continue Reading >

5 Homeschooling Tips for Parents

Homeschooling has been around for ages, but this option becomes even more relevant in the face of the current global pandemic. In Australia, home education is a vibrant and growing movement, which has grown in popularity in the last decade…. Continue Reading >

Babies Born Deaf Can’t Wait: The Importance of Early Intervention

Babies born deaf can’t wait – for every day without sound limits their hearing potential. However, with the help of highly specialised early interventions and technology such as cochlear implants or hearing aids, children born deaf can learn to listen… Continue Reading >

*** How A Screentime Budget Helps Benefit Children & Families | Chris Hogbin | Ep 150 ***

  Modern parenting is tough, especially when it comes to navigating a balance between providing kids with access to technology and maintaining a healthy amount of screen time. As a parent, how do you know the difference between if your… Continue Reading >

How teaching parents to budget screen time can help them negotiate the minefield of kids and technology

The Screen Time Budget   Last week, after discussing how much time was being spent in front of Minecraft, my eldest came back at me with a frustratingly good observation: “But Dad… it’s educational!” He wasn’t wrong. As a high… Continue Reading >

Depression in 2021: Isolation & Technology

By Nigel Ford Isolation and depression often go hand-in-hand. One can easily lead to the other. Unfortunately, many of the new restrictions that people are facing are contributing to both isolation and depression. Furthermore, there is a strong link between… Continue Reading >

STEM is the new cool, how to get kids to see maths as fun

When it comes to science, technology, engineering and mathematics, there is so much to discover. However, sometimes these subjects are not always taught in a way that fosters intrigue. Kids often face a lack of confidence or a loss of… Continue Reading >