You Are Enough

Validation – this word came up so much this week when I was in clinic listening to the mums and dads. Parents seeking out that they are doing a great job. Sometimes it was just a matter of reassuring them… Continue Reading >

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but gee they’re fun to play with!

The sight of a child playing with sticks and stones is usually enough to elicit some kind of freak-out response from most parents and with good reason; sticks and stones can be dangerous right? But really, that can be said… Continue Reading >

“An open letter to my son, on his fifth birthday.”

To my baby boy on your fifth birthday, “No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.” – Kristen Proby…. Continue Reading >

Tips for Teamwork in Step and Blended Families

“You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.” – Franklin P. Adams Parenting, in general, comes with great and many expectations, fears, rewards, joy, confusion, laughter and tears. Parenting in a stepfamily you may… Continue Reading >

You know you’re a Mum when…

As they say: don’t compare yourself to other mothers! Everyone’s losing it, some just hide it better than others… You can never describe how challenging (and rewarding of course) motherhood is. Something you would never change the world.. right?!? Well,… Continue Reading >