How to help toddlers and preschoolers manage tantrums and meltdowns

We’ve all been there, waiting patiently on the sidelines while our child falls to pieces getting ready, leaving the supermarket or receiving the wrong snack. Tantrums and meltdowns can catch you by surprise and look different depending on the day…. Continue Reading >

Managing meltdowns

As parents, we all dread that moment. Without warning, your child throws themself on the ground – screaming, crying and losing all control – and despite our heartfelt attempts at reasoning, we are at an absolute loss to calm them… Continue Reading >

What parents really want to know – 3 tips for improving your child’s behaviour.

Over the years, I have heard and seen many parents share their difficulties, concerns and challenges.  The biggest concerns are often around children and their emotions.  This often looks like tantrums, “losing it” and “meltdowns”.  Sometimes, this situation is related… Continue Reading >

Separation Anxiety

It is natural for young children to feel anxious when saying goodbye. Even though separation anxiety is a normal stage of development it is very difficult to cope with. Being empathic to the child in supporting them through the anxiety… Continue Reading >

Dealing with big emotions from little people: strategies to help your child harness their emotions

Media kindly brought to you by Jellystone Designs   Picture this: your toddler is attending a friend’s birthday party, and as the afternoon winds up, you tell them to say their goodbyes, because “it’s time to go”. These four simple… Continue Reading >

Dealing with Tantrums

Children have different kinds of tantrums and how you deal with them will depend on the reason for their behaviour. What is a tantrum: 3 different types It can be difficult to believe, but there are actually three different types… Continue Reading >

It’s Official Your Baby is Now a Toddler!

That first year of your baby’s life goes so quickly, their fast rate of growth not to mention their development is astounding. Babies usually progress from crawling to independent walking somewhere between 11 months to 18 months of age. To… Continue Reading >

Where did I put my magic wand?

Helping parents with their family challenges. A Psychologist’s Perspective Life can be challenging, and many parents find that out early on: a crying baby, lack of sleep, toddler tantrums, your child is bullied, teenage dramas, kids not listening? For the… Continue Reading >

Tackling Tantrums

If you are a parent or caregiver of a child over the age of one, then it is most likely that you have experienced some epic tantrums and when they are in public, it can be the worst.   What… Continue Reading >

The Parents’ Playbook

It might be child’s play, but play is also a great parenting tool. Words: Natalie Ritchie As a psychologist who had mostly treated adults, Dr Larry Cohen realised once he became a parent that the single most important skill a… Continue Reading >