The Mindset Challenge

Photo by Benjamin Manley on Unsplash   Self-care mindset tips for exhausted parents (post lockdown). You’re frustrated with your child, they are throwing a tantrum again, and you feel your anger boiling up on top of feeling overwhelmed & exhausted… Continue Reading >

Learning Self-Care; Practices to Address Energy Fluctuation and Overload

Most of us would agree we need to be stimulated in life. The problem is, often, we are either over or under stimulated, and finding the balance for a healthy lifestyle can be problematic. We all have different demands on… Continue Reading >

Self-care Tips for Exhausted Parents Post Lockdown

The juggling act of working from home, homeschooling, extra snacks, more laundry, non-stop sibling arguments, helping our kids (and ourselves!) navigate big emotions, increased screen time, lowered social interaction and shortened fuses… It’s safe to say: lockdown has sucked the… Continue Reading >

Self-care tips for exhausted parents post lockdown

Enter #selfcare into Instagram and you could be excused for thinking that you need to be a 20 something female with a large disposable income and an absence of children to participate in this glorious use of time. But as… Continue Reading >

Avoiding Burnout for Busy Mums

By Tamara Jenkins There’s no doubt that it’s a challenging time for many people right now, as we all try to adapt to a ‘new normal’ bought about by Covid-19. For busy mums, juggling the pressures of home schooling, meal… Continue Reading >

Taking Responsibility for Better Health

It’s an undeniable fact…. excess weight, especially obesity, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some musculoskeletal conditions and even some cancers. As excess weight increases, not only does the risk of developing these diseases increase,… Continue Reading >

Practising self-care now that your child is at school

Susan Spelic Reading Advocate and Parent   Once your child has gone into their classroom you may have choices. If you are working, you might need to race to work but if the day is yours to do important errands… Continue Reading >

Understanding Resilience

Resilience is a complex concept, yet it is often a tangible goal for parents when they think of their hopes and dreams for their child.  Everyone would love for their child to be “resilient”, but what does it really mean. … Continue Reading >

The #1 thing I do every day to instantly reduce anxiety & improve mental health

by Jas Rawlinson   Anxiety. It’s something that most of us struggle with at one time or another, and as someone with lived experience of both anxiety and depression, I can tell you this: when it flares up, it can… Continue Reading >

“When stress literally makes you sick” — 3 ways to positively manage Hyperstress Response

By Jas Rawlinson   As a mental health advocate and writing coach who specialises in assisting trauma survivors to tell their stories, self-care is a big part of my personal and professional life.  However, whilst we are all aware of… Continue Reading >