How to Encourage a Growth Mindset at School and at Home

The word “YET” can be very powerful to help our children and students to develop a growth mindset, which will help them towards achieving their goals and foster success. A growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset will help… Continue Reading >

Tips to get the kids off screens this Easter Holidays

By Melissa MacDonald creator of Zipboom Educational Toys   Many parents will agree that there is more time being dedicated to learning on screens at school, so holidays can often be challenging to try and set limits on the amount… Continue Reading >

School Attendance Woes

(School Refusal, School Can’t, School Reluctance). On the surface school attendance woes may seem like a concept that is based on a child that is worried about attending school on some level. After working with teens for the last 20… Continue Reading >

Starting the day right – setting your child up for a successful day.

Have you ever thought about how the start of the day affects your child’s day at school? How we start our day really does set us up for how the rest of our day runs, which is why starting the… Continue Reading >

School’s out! The perfect after school snacks for your little one!

The kids have gone back to school the hustle and bustle of everyday life has returned. All across Australia the sounds of “Mum, Dad, I’m hungry!” can be heard, almost like clockwork at 3pm every afternoon. It’s after school snack… Continue Reading >

How to Beat the Back to School Blues

The holidays are over and school is back in session. While we, as parents, may be grateful for the return to routine and some peace and quiet, strangely enough, our kids may not share in our enthusiasm. Many kids become… Continue Reading >

How To Tackle Back To School Anxiety

Although the first day back at school, or even the first ever day at school, can be an exciting prospect for some children, adjustment difficulties are common. Anxious feelings are expected and normal in children returning to school, changing schools,… Continue Reading >

Back to school tips!

The dreaded back to school is just around the corner! How are you going to cope? What are you going to do to make this year different? Organise, take advantage of sales and priories those lunchboxes! Yearly organisation!  Use sales… Continue Reading >

Back to School – how much should your child’s backpack weigh?

There has been lots of controversy over how much your child’s backpack is going to weigh. How much does your child’s schoolbag weigh? It is suggested that a child’s schoolbag irrespective of their age their schoolbag should weigh about 10%… Continue Reading >

How to prepare your child for their first day at school

By Liana Simpson, Suncoast Christian College   With the 2023 school year fast approaching, there is no better time to start preparing your child for their first day at primary school. While each child is different, there are a few… Continue Reading >