Your child is getting older and will soon be expected to perform well in school. Excellent study habits are crucial for academic success. As a parent, you can help your child develop great study habits that will serve them well… Continue Reading >
Let’s be honest – all parents sometimes dream of a child playing independently for as long as possible, while mom or dad could do all their household chores combining them with their remote work. The paradox of the situation is… Continue Reading >
When I was on maternity leave, I was desperate to keep things at least a little bit organised at home and in my head. I tried different methods but the only thing that worked for me was a planning hack… Continue Reading >
Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated, especially when you are juggling lock downs, children, a career and a family. The reason people find themselves unmotivated could be because they are not seeing the bigger picture. When things are… Continue Reading >
Think back to your own childhood. What was your favourite kids’ book? Depending on your ‘vintage’ answers will vary. As a little girl, I remember loving the classics; Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, ‘The Five Chinese Brothers’ but mainly… Continue Reading >
As a busy single mum who’s often juggling ninety-seven thousand things at once…. (Well, that’s what it sometimes feels like at least)…. I know exactly how tough it can be to keep your motivation beaming day, after day, after day,… Continue Reading >
It was in our first and “foggy” week of parenthood that ‘Daddy-man’ and I discovered the beauty and effectiveness of what we now call “The Shift”. We have since shared this concept with friends and family who were/are about to… Continue Reading >
If it takes a village, how do you find your tribe? There is an old African proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child. But I think it also takes a village to raise a mother. Given… Continue Reading >
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