Preserving Childhood Independence

The independence of childhood that many of us grew up with has now been replaced with consistent monitoring in order to keep our kids safe and reduce our level of anxiety as parents. This parental anxiety is being driven by… Continue Reading >

Consent Education Needs to Start Early | Kari Sutton | Ep 155

  Consent has most certainly been the hot of 2021 so far. If you’re a parent who would like helpful tips on how to talk with your children about consent, you’re in the right place Today we aim to help you… Continue Reading >

What the rise of gentle parenting can teach all parents?

The increasingly popular method of parenting known as ‘gentle parenting’ is based on a more peaceful and positive approach to parenting, rather than the ‘old school’ authoritarian parenting style.  Whether you subscribe to the ideologies of the gentle parenting movement,… Continue Reading >

Teaching Kids Respect

The equality of women has been an issue for many years. It is currently more of an issue when it becomes apparent to the public about how women are treated in the political arena by some of their male colleagues…. Continue Reading >

Resolving Conflict During The Festive Season

Resolving conflict during the festive season takes one word CIVILITY. Civility is simply a formal politeness showing up as courtesy in one’s behavior and speech. Minding our manners and manage our speech breeds respect not conflict. Part of what makes… Continue Reading >

Healthy and Happy Children Learn by Example

If you remember back to when your baby started to learn new things, they were watching you. You might have rolled over with them to show them how to do it; you probably taught them how to kick a ball;… Continue Reading >

Top 10 tips for Step Parents

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that parenting is a challenge at the best of times. Stepparenting, shared parenting, coparenting and blended families are becoming more and more common around the world. Here are my top 10 tips for you,… Continue Reading >

A Woman’s Influence

Enabling equality Recently it was International Women’s Day, and the theme was ‘An Equal World in an Enabled World’ #EachForEqual. There is much to celebrate, yet there is much we can bring to bear. The majority of women are mums,… Continue Reading >

Unexpected Outcomes

Renee Adair   Pregnancy and birth offer us a new beginning, new hopes and dreams. As awaiting parents, we carry those hopes and dreams in our hearts and minds. Unfortunately, those hopes and dreams can be shattered by unexpected outcomes… Continue Reading >

Five Ways to Help Your Child Break the Cycle of Anxiety

It can be tough to watch your child struggle with anxiety and even the most well-meaning parents at times say things that may end up exacerbating anxious feelings, instead of alleviating them. If your child is suffering from an anxiety… Continue Reading >