Building Resilience in Children

Stress is something we all have to deal with no matter what our age. It is important that as adults we help children deal with stress and changes. Building resilience in children will help them  cope with the ups and… Continue Reading >

Staying COOL through COVID-19

It’s been a pretty tough few months for Australians. We’ve had drought, fire, floods and now the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re certainly feeling it here at Teach Ted. Read on to hear what we are doing and download some fun activities… Continue Reading >

How to talk to your children about Coronavirus

With everything that’s going on in our world it’s very easy to feel incredibly overwhelmed by all of the information that we’re hearing about Coronavirus COVID-19.  The levels of anxiety in the community are rapidly rising and it is understandable… Continue Reading >

Eight vital skills children develop in early learning and care settings

Here are eight vital skills your child can develop in an early learning and care setting. Confidence Children build confidence when they are able to master new skills in a supportive environment at their own pace. In early learning and… Continue Reading >

Understanding Resilience

Resilience is a complex concept, yet it is often a tangible goal for parents when they think of their hopes and dreams for their child.  Everyone would love for their child to be “resilient”, but what does it really mean. … Continue Reading >

Toilet Training

When you have multiples there is so much that you can do with both (or all three) of them at the same time or together, same outfits, starting daycare together, first hair cut and so much more. However, one thing… Continue Reading >

Starting School

Starting school can be an emotional time for families who have experienced the birth of a baby born premature or sick. An early or traumatic birth can lead to growth or developmental delays, behavioural challenges and disabilities, and how their… Continue Reading >

School Readiness and what you need to know.

The decision about when your child should start school can be a hard one to make. Many people think that being school ready means that your child must know how to read and write but these skills are often secondary… Continue Reading >

When Monsters Attack

“Muuuummm”.  That loud pitched scream usually heard exactly 90 seconds after you have sat down for the night to enjoy some ‘me-time’.  You have just settled yourself on the couch with a cuppa and that book you have been meaning… Continue Reading >

‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’ – fostering kids’ independence.

When we see our kids struggling to do an independent task, it can be difficult to watch as they are frustrated and it’s a challenge to resist helping them.  We want our kids to succeed but how can we foster… Continue Reading >