Learning to Drive:  Stress Management for Teens

Now that exams are over, a lot of our teens will be embracing a new sense of freedom and looking at getting their driver’s license.  A coming of age event that can be terrifying for some of our more anxious… Continue Reading >

Are you a parent who needs help to relax?

As a mother, daughter, sister, friend and wife together with being a teacher for over 30 years, you could say maintaining a balance is a juggling act. You could probably join my club! So, what of my life balance between… Continue Reading >

Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

One of the most complaints we hear from people in our psychology practice is difficulty sleeping. It may be difficulty getting to sleep, difficulty staying asleep, waking up too early, or simply feeling fatigued. Well I wanted to share with… Continue Reading >

The 5 Simple Steps for Encouraging a Child’s Healthy Self Esteem:

One of the most common areas that we work in with adults is addressing low self-esteem. So it makes sense that many parents are asking themselves “how can I help my child to develop healthy self-esteem”. You don’t need a… Continue Reading >

The importance of me time : Part 2

We all know parents have rigorous and hectic daily schedules. For many parents, the morning is a flurry of activity and it’s not until the 9am school bell sounds that they can stop to catch their breath. While it can… Continue Reading >

The importance of me time : Part 1

As the age-old saying goes you can’t pour from an empty cup, you must take care of yourself first. The more energy you have for yourself, the more you have to give to those you love. Did you know that… Continue Reading >

Tips on How to get your Baby Sleep through the Night

Good quality sleep is one of the requirements for proper brain development for our little ones. The first 6 months of their lives are crucial for developing good sleeping skills. So early on, we need to start training them proper… Continue Reading >

Boredom Busters for the School Holidays: (6-12) Middle Years

Entertaining the kids during school holidays can be super challenging at times, especially closer to the end of the holidays when we are all counting on the days till the kids go back to school!  If you are in a… Continue Reading >

Baby Massage by Antonette Golikidis

Most mums see baby skin care is an important part of caring for baby’s health but did you know that baby massage can play an integral role in keeping your baby healthy and happy too? Baby massage has been used… Continue Reading >

Go somewhere great on your next family holiday!

NRMA Darlington Beach Holiday Resort is located on pristine Arrawarra Beach just north of Coffs Harbour on the beautiful Coffs Coast. Surrounded by coastal bushland and with the beach at your doorstep, it’s the perfect spot for your next family… Continue Reading >