7 Study Tips Your Child Can Use When They Get Older

Your child is getting older and will soon be expected to perform well in school. Excellent study habits are crucial for academic success. As a parent, you can help your child develop great study habits that will serve them well… Continue Reading >

My child asked me to explain what ‘rape’ is, and I don’t know what to say?

Help Kristi… my child asked me to explain what ‘rape’ is, and I don’t know what to say? I get a lot of parents asking questions around ‘how to talk’ with their kids about tough subjects, which leave them worried… Continue Reading >

Five easy ways to ignite the love of learning

We are all born very curious—we need it for our survival. Our curiosity leads us to explore the world around us and make sense of it. This curiosity helps us learn what might be dangerous and what brings us joy…. Continue Reading >

100ish questions to ask before baby arrives

Just glance & answer. There are no right or wrong answers. Use these points as a kick-off for conversation. Naming Bebe Whose last name will the baby take (if either of yours)? Will the baby have the dad’s last name,… Continue Reading >

10 Ways to Ask About Your Child’s Day, so They Actually Answer You! 

Are you even a parent if you haven’t asked your child, ‘How was your day today?’ only for them to respond with a one word answer of ‘Good’ or ‘Fine’ or ‘Yeah’ or maybe even just a grunt. I’ve always… Continue Reading >

20 Questions to Ask your Mum this Mother’s Day

Below you’ll find 20 great questions to ask your mum this Mother’s Day. But first, some background. I was reading a book recently and came across a sentence that stopped me cold: “If you see your mother twice a year… Continue Reading >

Newborns and sleep: The Roadmap

Let’s talk newborns and sleep! Congratulations on your precious newborn. Babies are little miracles and bring bundles of joy. But along with all the love and joy this newborn journey brings, also comes many, many questions. Am I right? Lovely mama,… Continue Reading >

Teaching Kids Tricky Topics

Teaching toddlers ‘tricky topics’ can be easy if you have the right tools in your toolkit. And the right tool is often a children’s book! Kids are visual learners, so storybooks are ideal to broach tricky topics, and help encourage… Continue Reading >

COVID-19 Vaccines for infants, toddlers and young children under 5 What you need to know

(Information current as of 8 August 2022)   You may have heard recently in the news that a COVID-19 vaccine has been approved and recommended by ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) for SOME children aged 6 months- 5… Continue Reading >

Newborns and Sleep: A roadmap for you.

Let’s talk newborns and sleep! Congratulations on your precious newborn. Babies are little miracles and bring bundles of joy. But along with all the love and joy this newborn journey brings, also comes many, many questions. Am I right? Lovely mama,… Continue Reading >