Igniting Young Minds: The Cognitive Magic of Playmobil Role Playing

For decades, Playmobil has been a beloved fixture in children’s rooms worldwide, known for its ability to ignite creativity and foster imaginative play. Role-playing, where children step into different characters and scenarios, offers profound benefits for cognitive development across various… Continue Reading >

Unlocking the Power of Problem-Solving in Parenting

Parenthood is a remarkable journey filled with joy, love, and challenges. As parents, our deepest desire is to provide our children with the tools they need to thrive and lead fulfilling lives. In this blog, we will explore the critical… Continue Reading >

10 Ideas To Encourage Effective Play-Based Learning

If you are a new parent, babysitter, or nursery teacher, you should know that playing is one of the most important ways children learn necessary educational & life skills. Besides promoting social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills, play-based learning encourages… Continue Reading >

Putting the ‘Play’ in Holiday Play Time

Enriching your child’s free time with performance and play By Heidi Manche, Founder of Room to Play Kids and Teens Studio   It’s nearing June…which means the countdown is on until the winter school holidays. And this of course comes… Continue Reading >

Fun Ways to Keep Children Learning During School Holidays

Understandably, it can be difficult for children to remain motivated and engaged with their learning while on holidays. After all, they’ve just spent the past two or three months reading, writing, counting and problem-solving, so it’s only fair that they’re… Continue Reading >

How to escape boredom through at-home escape rooms

Media kindly brought to you by U. Games   We get it – you’re probably convinced that you’ve tried every form of at-home entertainment while your family has wrestled with pandemic-induced cabin fever. Saddled with the ‘new normal’ for a… Continue Reading >

Eight vital skills children develop in early learning and care settings

Here are eight vital skills your child can develop in an early learning and care setting. Confidence Children build confidence when they are able to master new skills in a supportive environment at their own pace. In early learning and… Continue Reading >

Outdoor physical play – why it’s important to your child’s development?

Most kids love being outdoors and playing outdoors, especially when they are little.  But why is playing outside so important for children?   Here are some key ways children will benefit from playing outdoors: Gross motor skill development: An outdoor… Continue Reading >

Unsettled Behaviour in the Newborn Baby

The first three or so months entails a whole heap of troubleshooting, problem solving, learning your baby’s cues and getting to know their little personality.  One of the biggest challenges my clients come to me with in this time is… Continue Reading >

The Secrets of How to Raise a Confident Child You Probably Don’t Know

Confidence is a very important trait in children as it helps them to overcome their weaknesses and embrace their strengths to improve their lives. However, confidence in children does not always come about naturally. That’s why parents should work on… Continue Reading >