Summer Snacking for Kids

By Sarah Smith, Accredited Practising Dietitian FB Bayside Dietetics Instagram @baysidedietetics Twitter #BaysideDietetic   When we were little, the summer holidays were spent outdoors. We’d hang with the neighbours’ kids all day and pop home for food only when… Continue Reading >

The Benefits of Teaching Children Gardening from Toddlers to Preschoolers

Gardening is one of the best things you can do, but involving your children can also have enormous benefits for the entire family. Not only will your kids have fun and spend time outside reaping the many rewards of this… Continue Reading >

Positive Pregnancy Test – What Now?

We recently covered some of the significant steps to consider when planning a pregnancy, so what happens once there are two blue lines on a pregnancy test? It is super important whether you have planned a pregnancy or whether it’s… Continue Reading >

I want to have a baby……what do I do now?

As a midwife and Managing Director of My Midwives, Liz Wilkes has seen thousands of women walking into her practice asking this question. For some, the journey will be straightforward and easy and they will be at their destination before… Continue Reading >

Managing Expectations as a New Parent

The transition to parenthood is a significant period in any person’s life. People often feel optimistic and excited as the birth of a baby approaches, and this time is often associated with joy and celebration. Sometimes family and friends express… Continue Reading >

Simple Steps to ESCAPE the ‘Summer SWELL’

We often hear people talking about how easy it is to lose weight during the summer months (because we supposedly eat ‘lighter’ and get a little more active).… but for some of us (and our kids), summer can have the… Continue Reading >

The best family outdoor activities for Father’s Day

It’s that time of year again. Father’s Day has crept up and with it comes the age-old question of what to get dad. If you’re stuck and are looking to treat him to a different experience, a fun family outdoor… Continue Reading >

Is it safe to exercise while I’m trying to fall pregnant?

Whether it’s a well-meaning Aunt warning us not to lift anything too heavy, or an online fitness guru barbell squatting with a giant pregnant belly, there is so much conflicting information available about whether exercise is safe to do whilst… Continue Reading >

How to declutter your home with kids and reduce the mental load

As a busy mum, it can feel like there simply isn’t enough time in the day to maintain your home! Re-organising the house, or maintaining a household routine, can seem a bit much some days. I hear you. However, unnecessary… Continue Reading >

A Parent’s Guide to Mastering Homework

The requirement for our children to do homework has been an infamous debate among teachers, parents, experts and students for quite some time. However, with the benefits of homework established, especially for senior students, the skill set of an independent… Continue Reading >