How To Succeed At Personal Development

By Damon Nailer   With the new year, many are strategizing and formulating what is considered personal development goals for 2022.  So, what is personal development?  Personal development, which is also known as self-work or self-growth work, encompasses learning and… Continue Reading >

Life Leadership with DoctorZed

Dr. Scott Zarcinas is a medical doctor, author of 8 books, and transformologist. He helps pro-active people lift the mind fog to get clarity of the path ahead and build the confidence to live the life you want, the way… Continue Reading >

Why We Need A Mental Diet

I’m reading this amazing book called Mental Diets, by a guy called Neville Gottard.  I am a bit of a bookworm when it comes to self-growth and personal development.  Not just because it’s my chosen career but I have a… Continue Reading >