Knee Pain in Children

Overuse and single trauma injuries are 2 of the most common causes of knee pain in children. But they also happen very differently. Overuse, as the name suggests, happens when your kid uses his/her knees too much. On the other… Continue Reading >

Pregnancy and Back Pain: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy represents one of the most magical times in the life of any woman. While the miracle of birth cannot be denied, it is also an unfortunate fact that many women will suffer from a handful of unwanted side effects…. Continue Reading >

Epidural Pain Relief in Labour

For some women, labour and childbirth can be a liberating and validating experience, trusting the power of the female body to conquer one of nature’s most primal, earthy and truly natural events. The rhythmic uterine tightenings are not called contractions… Continue Reading >

Does Teething interfere with Sleep?

  If your baby is waking several times during the night it is unlikely to be directly related to teething. Your baby’s deepest sleep is from bed time through to midnight and from midnight till 7am your baby is in… Continue Reading >

5 Tips to Tame Emotions with your Ex in Separation

Anyone who has been through a separation or divorce knows that the emotional ride that it takes you on can be like no other! The time period just after Separation can be the most trying, sorting out the emotional reality… Continue Reading >


If I could meet myself as I was 2 years ago and, just starting out on the single mum journey I would have said to myself  ‘where your energy goes is where your attention flows”.  Obviously, hindsight doesn’t really help… Continue Reading >

Managing Empathy Overload: Strategies for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

What is Empathy? “Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff. “But for empaths, it goes much further. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own… Continue Reading >

“An open letter to my son, on his fifth birthday.”

To my baby boy on your fifth birthday, “No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.” – Kristen Proby…. Continue Reading >

A Mothers Breastfeeding Journey

I feel like its something that you really cannot prepare for. Even if you get told every possible thing that can happen, you still can’t truly prepare yourself for the pain, the struggles, the worry but also the beauty of… Continue Reading >

My Birth Story

Sunday night December 17th started as a normal night. We sat down for dinner as usual and after dinner, the girls were playing together with me while my partner was relaxing. I got up to feed the dog and while he was squatting… Continue Reading >