5 Home Workouts to Try with Your Kids

With school holidays quickly approaching, it can sometimes be hard for parents to juggle their schedules and ensure they are making enough time for themselves to visit the gym or get in some fitness time. If you are struggling to… Continue Reading >

How to Play with Your Newborn Baby

Parents often ask me how they can ‘play’ with their newborn baby. Newborn babies do spend a lot of their time feeding and sleeping but it is important to spend some time playing with them as all babies learn through… Continue Reading >

4 Tips For Outdoor Adventuring With Infants And Toddlers

Media kindly brought to you by Jumply There is a misconception that once parents have young children to raise, their adventuring spirit and love of the great outdoors must take a back seat. Sure, adventures might not occur on such… Continue Reading >

Craft: Rocking the Outdoors

Kids love exploring, running and racing around, and parks are perfect for this. Actually, any place that you can run around is fun.  However, if you had another reason to explore the park wouldn’t that be fantastic too. How about… Continue Reading >

Camping With Toddlers

When my oldest daughter was about 10 months old we decided to go camping for a weekend away. It was nearing the end of winter so it was cold to say the least and I really wanted to take her… Continue Reading >

Connect with your kids with this nature bonding activity

Nature is full of wonder and intrigue – especially for young minds and adventurers. It is full of lessons, life cycles at every conceivable stage, vibrant colours, rich and complex scents.  Things that are essential for a growing and curious… Continue Reading >

Escape to Victoria’s High Country!

Bright Holiday Park is your gateway to Victoria’s High Country. Local rail trails, short walks, long hikes, or day-trips to the nearby snow slopes, are the perfect way to get outdoors, breathing in that fresh alpine air. The park is… Continue Reading >

Intentional Learning through Play

What is play based learning?  Play by definition is an activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children. While learning means the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study or by being taught. So what is play… Continue Reading >